Timed to coincide with the long-awaited mass market publication of the #1 national bestselling diet book Fit for Life, this is an ideal companion volume that shows how everyone can devise a Fit for Life diet and overall health plan. Illustrated.
Timed to coincide with the long-awaited mass market publication of the #1 national bestselling diet book Fit for Life, this is an ideal companion volu...
It's the program that shatters all the myths: FIT FOR LIFE the international bestseller that explains how to change both your figure and your life. Nutritional specialist Harvey and Marilyn Diamond explain how you can eat more kinds of food than you ever ate before without counting calories...and still lose weight The natural body cycles, permanent weight-loss plan that proves it's not only what you eat, but also when and how, FIT FOR LIFE is the perfect solution for those who want to look and feel their best. Join the millions of Americans who are FIT FOR LIFE and begin your transformation...
It's the program that shatters all the myths: FIT FOR LIFE the international bestseller that explains how to change both your figure and your life. Nu...
Fit frs Leben - das ist der schonende und harmonische Weg zu einer schlanken Linie, zu robuster Vitalitt und gesteigertem Leistungsvermgen. Die Autoren rumen auf mit kulinarischer Enthaltsamkeit und bieten stattdessen eine Ernhrung, die die natrlichen Verdauungszyklen untersttzt und den Krper damit gesund erhlt. Dauerhaft und gefahrlos abnehmen - ohne Kalorienzhlen!
Fit frs Leben - das ist der schonende und harmonische Weg zu einer schlanken Linie, zu robuster Vitalitt und gesteigertem Leistungsvermgen. Die Autore...