A representative selection of poems, culled from the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet s published verse, plus thirteen poems appearing in book form for the first time. Sandburg s poetry] is independent, honest, direct, lyric, and it endures, clamorous and muted, magical as life itself (New York Times). Introduction by Mark Van Doren. "
A representative selection of poems, culled from the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet s published verse, plus thirteen poems appearing in book form for the...
A treatment on an extended scale of Dryden's non-dramatic verse, with attention to the celebrator, the satirist, the journalist, the singer, and the story-teller. Van Doren's 1920 "effort to brighten the most neglected side of the greatest neglected English poet" remains a foundation stone in Dryden biography and criticism and presented the definitive statement of Dryden's reputation at the time. This title is cited and recommended by the Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature and Books for College Libraries.
A treatment on an extended scale of Dryden's non-dramatic verse, with attention to the celebrator, the satirist, the journalist, the singer, and the s...
In this transcription of the Medicine Rite, the most sacred ritual of the Winnebago Indians, anthropologist Paul Radin captured a poetic source of profound importance to the understanding of mystical experience. Performed by medicine men upon the initiation of a member to their cult, this secret rite recapitulated the mythic origins and heroes of the Winnebago while integrating those present with the ancestral forces.
In this transcription of the Medicine Rite, the most sacred ritual of the Winnebago Indians, anthropologist Paul Radin captured a poetic source of ...
This volume reviews our current understanding for how sex determination is initiated and how it results in sexual dimorphic development. Chapters discussing work on different model systems provide a basis for understanding similarities that exist between different species. Coverage includes discussion of sexual development of the soma in C. elegans; sexual development of the germline in C. elegans; sexual development of the soma in Drosophila; sexual development of the germline in Drosophila; sexual development of the soma in the mouse; sexual development of the germline in the mouse; control...
This volume reviews our current understanding for how sex determination is initiated and how it results in sexual dimorphic development. Chapters disc...