Else Ury's Nesthakchen is a Berlin doctor's daughter, Annemarie Braun, a slim, golden blond, quintessential German girl. The ten book Nesthakchen series follows Annemarie from infancy (Nesthakchen and Her Dolls) to old age and grandchildren (Nesthakchen with White Hair). Volume 6, Nesthakchen Flies From the Nest, describes Annemarie's college days, courtship and marriage."
Else Ury's Nesthakchen is a Berlin doctor's daughter, Annemarie Braun, a slim, golden blond, quintessential German girl. The ten book Nesthakchen seri...
A Nesthakchen is the youngest child in a family. Else Ury's Nesthakchen is a Berlin doctor's daughter, Anne Marie Braun, a slim, golden blond, quintessential German girl. The ten book series follows Annemarie from infancy (Nesthakchen and Her Dolls) to old age and grandchildren (Nesthakchen with White Hair). This 5th volume of the series tells the story of 16 year old Anne Marie's teenage years during the post World War I upheavals in Weimar Germany."
A Nesthakchen is the youngest child in a family. Else Ury's Nesthakchen is a Berlin doctor's daughter, Anne Marie Braun, a slim, golden blond, quintes...