Jean-Luc Godard, like many of his European contemporaries, came to filmmaking through film criticism. This collection of essays and interviews, ranging from his early efforts for La Gazette du Cinema to his later writings for Cahiers du Cinema, reflects his dazzling intelligence, biting wit, maddening judgments, and complete unpredictability. In writing about Hitchcock, Welles, Bergman, Truffaut, Bresson, and Renoir, Godard is also writing about himself--his own experiments, obsessions, discoveries. This book offers evidence that he may be even more original as a thinker about...
Jean-Luc Godard, like many of his European contemporaries, came to filmmaking through film criticism. This collection of essays and interviews, rangin...
Breathless, a low-budget film, came to be regarded as one of the major accomplishments of the French New Wave cinema of the early sixties. It had a tremendous influence on French filmmakers and on world cinema in general. Beyond its significance in film history, it was also a film of considerable cultural impact. In Breathless, Jean-Luc Godard captured the spirit of a disillusioned generation and fashioned a style, which drew on the past, to parade that disillusionment. In his introduction, Dudley Andrew brilliantly explains what Godard set out to accomplish in Breathless. He illuminates the...
Breathless, a low-budget film, came to be regarded as one of the major accomplishments of the French New Wave cinema of the early sixties. It had a tr...
Some thirty years ago filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard told critic Gene Youngblood, I am trying to change the world. He has pursued his revolution in works ranging from the explosive Breathless to the eloquent Contempt to the controversial Hail Mary and the postmodern Histoire(s) du cinema, shaking up conventional formulas with boldly innovative ap-proaches to every aspect of cinema and video-including film criticism via provocative essays in Cahiers du Cinema and interviews dating to the early years of his career.
This book presents a varied selection of...
Some thirty years ago filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard told critic Gene Youngblood, I am trying to change the world. He has pursued his revolution in wor...
Cinema is quite simply a unique book from one of the most influential film-makers in the history of cinema. Here, Jean-Luc Godard looks back on a century of film as well as his own work and career. Born with the twentieth century, cinema became not just the century's dominant art form but its best historian. Godard argues that - after Chaplin and Pol Pot, Monroe and Hitler, Stalin and Mae West, Mao and the Marx Brothers - film and history are inextricably intertwined. Godard presents his thoughts on film theory, cinematic technique, film histories, as well as the recent video revolution....
Cinema is quite simply a unique book from one of the most influential film-makers in the history of cinema. Here, Jean-Luc Godard looks back on a c...
Cinema is quite simply a unique book from one of the most influential film-makers in the history of cinema. Here, Jean-Luc Godard looks back on a century of film as well as his own work and career. Born with the twentieth century, cinema became not just the century's dominant art form but its best historian. Godard argues that - after Chaplin and Pol Pot, Monroe and Hitler, Stalin and Mae West, Mao and the Marx Brothers - film and history are inextricably intertwined. Godard presents his thoughts on film theory, cinematic technique, film histories, as well as the recent video revolution....
Cinema is quite simply a unique book from one of the most influential film-makers in the history of cinema. Here, Jean-Luc Godard looks back on a c...
Jean-Luc Godard, einer der einflureichsten Filmemacher in der Geschichte des Kinos, blickt im Gesprch mit dem bekannten Cineasten und Filmwissenschaftler Youssef Ishaghpour auf ein Jahrhundert Filmgeschichte und auf sein eigenes Werk zurck: ein eindringliches Zeugnis seiner eigenen lebenslangen Leidenschaft fr das Kino und zugleich Dokumentation der Obsession des Kinos fr die Geschichte. Ausgehend von Godards monumentalem Sptwerk Histoire(s) du cinma geht der Dialog den realen historischen wie auch konomischen Bedingungen des Filmschaffens und seinen sthetischen und philosophischen...
Jean-Luc Godard, einer der einflureichsten Filmemacher in der Geschichte des Kinos, blickt im Gesprch mit dem bekannten Cineasten und Filmwissenschaft...