Let Diane Stein and ESSENTIAL ENERGY BALANCING show you how to be all that you can be. Essential Energy Balancing(R) is an ascension enlightenment] process--one of total healing. The karmic suffering we're born with, for the most part, is implacable. Now it can be changed, lovingly, with a simple formula and the blessings of the Lords of Karma--the keepers of our souls' evolution. Part 1 of Essential Energy Balancing(R) teaches the easy self-healing methods that change suffering into wellness and inner peace. Part II is a series of ten energy reprogramming meditations that lead...
Let Diane Stein and ESSENTIAL ENERGY BALANCING show you how to be all that you can be. Essential Energy Balancing(R) is an ascension enlightenmen...
We all want to know what will happen to the earth and to those who come after us, our children and our grandchildren. Diane, seeking an answer, has gone to women visionaries and seers: women who channel the future and those who bring it to life in their writings. This is the time, Diane avers, for women to define what needs to be changed and begin to do the work. By women's power of thought and creation, we together can make a better world.
We all want to know what will happen to the earth and to those who come after us, our children and our grandchildren. Diane, seeking an answer, has go...
Written for intermediate to advanced healers, RELIANCE ON THE LIGHT explains how to identify negative interference and create psychic protection in daily life through meditation and visualization. Diane Stein is concerned that a darkness has engulfed the world in the form of violence against humanity, ecological destruction, and prevailing hopelessness, and so she designed her teachings to help people gain access to the Lightthe radiant energy of goodness and understanding. Achieving the psychic protection of this energy creates a collective healing process that promotes positive energy and...
Written for intermediate to advanced healers, RELIANCE ON THE LIGHT explains how to identify negative interference and create psychic protection in da...
In ESSENTIAL ENERGY BALANCING and RELIANCE ON THE LIGHT, best-selling author Diane Stein taught readers how to heal and cleanse their souls of the negative karma suffered on Earth. Now, in ESSENTIAL ENERGY BALANCING II, she explains how to continue the process of releasing the karma through 24 individual processes, including -Connection with the Light- and -Vibrational Sealing.- Readers learn to let go of karmic baggage, not just here on Earth, but throughout the Universe, in order to enjoy the full potential of their soul'¬'s energy. Rich with encouragement, ESSENTIAL ENERGY BALANCING II...
In ESSENTIAL ENERGY BALANCING and RELIANCE ON THE LIGHT, best-selling author Diane Stein taught readers how to heal and cleanse their souls of the neg...
Women are naturally healers. Throughout time, they have performed curative roles as mothers, midwives, caregivers, and wisewomen, but modern medicine has suppressed this important tradition. Ancient women healers knew that the body is more than what is seen: through body, emotions, mind, and spirit, we can connect with the Goddess and actively choose to heal ourselves and others. By relearning and using ancient skills like aura and chakra work, creative visualization, meditation, laying on of hands, psychic healing, and working with crystals and gemstones, women can prevent or transform many...
Women are naturally healers. Throughout time, they have performed curative roles as mothers, midwives, caregivers, and wisewomen, but modern medicine ...
Healing with Pendulums For thousands of years, pendulums have been used as effective tools for divination and empowerment. In Pendulums and the Light, best-selling author Diane Stein explains how to attain unrivaled pendulum accuracy by asking a Be-ing of the Highest Light to guide your pendulum. If pendulums haven't worked for you in the past, you will find out why and learn how to use them perfectly now. Stein also describes how to make or buy pendulums that perform optimally for your specific energy and needs, and how to use pendulums in ways you have never thought of before....
Healing with Pendulums For thousands of years, pendulums have been used as effective tools for divination and empowerment. In Pendulums and the...
Author and healer Diane Stein brings to the layperson psychic healing techniques once assumed to be too esoteric to use without highly specialized knowledge, years of training, and a paranormal gift. ESSENTIAL PSYCHIC HEALING helps us tap into the potent healing power of our own psychic energies. For the beginner, Diane offers theory and instruction in basic meditation, visualization, kundalini energy, chakras, and auras. Those at the intermediate level will learn to utilize spirit guides and angels, and how to use healing crystals, hands-on healing methods, emotional release work, and remote...
Author and healer Diane Stein brings to the layperson psychic healing techniques once assumed to be too esoteric to use without highly specialized kno...
Legendary healer Diane Stein shares her extensive knowledge of gemstones in this concise agate-to-zircon reference. Each listing includes the stone's common name, its corresponding color and chakra, and a concise resume of its healing properties. Stein suggests ways to use stones to support physical and psychic well-being, by simply carrying one in a hand or pocket, wearing it as jewelry, or engaging in more advanced practices like the -laying on of stones.- She also presents a glossary of terms designed for beginning students of metaphysical healing practices, and teaches how to clear,...
Legendary healer Diane Stein shares her extensive knowledge of gemstones in this concise agate-to-zircon reference. Each listing includes the stone's ...