Combinatorial commutative algebra is an active area of research with thriving connections to other fields of pure and applied mathematics. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, with an emphasis on combinatorial techniques for multigraded polynomial rings, semigroup algebras, and determinantal rings. The eighteen chapters cover a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from homological invariants of monomial ideals and their polyhedral resolutions, to hands-on tools for studying algebraic varieties with group actions, such as toric varieties, flag varieties, quiver...
Combinatorial commutative algebra is an active area of research with thriving connections to other fields of pure and applied mathematics. This boo...
Combinatorial commutative algebra is an active area of research with thriving connections to other fields of pure and applied mathematics. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, with an emphasis on combinatorial techniques for multigraded polynomial rings, semigroup algebras, and determinantal rings. The eighteen chapters cover a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from homological invariants of monomial ideals and their polyhedral resolutions, to hands-on tools for studying algebraic varieties with group actions, such as toric varieties, flag varieties, quiver...
Combinatorial commutative algebra is an active area of research with thriving connections to other fields of pure and applied mathematics. This boo...
David Hilbert Bernd Sturmfels Reinhard C. Laubenbacher
In the summer of 1897, David Hilbert (1862-1943) gave an introductory course in Invariant Theory at the University of Gottingen. This book is an English translation of the handwritten notes taken from this course by Hilbert's student Sophus Marxen. At that time his research in the subject had been completed, and his famous finiteness theorem had been proved and published in two papers that changed the course of invariant theory dramatically and that laid the foundation for modern commutative algebra. Thus, these lectures take into account both the old approach of his predecessors and his new...
In the summer of 1897, David Hilbert (1862-1943) gave an introductory course in Invariant Theory at the University of Gottingen. This book is an Engli...
This second edition of the first comprehensive, accessible account of the subject is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to learn the subject, researchers in the various fields of application who want to concentrate on certain theoretical aspects, and specialists who need a thorough reference work. For the second edition, the authors have greatly expanded the bibliography to ensure that it is comprehensive and up-to-date, and have also added an appendix surveying research since the first edition. A list of exercises and open problems ends each chapter.
This second edition of the first comprehensive, accessible account of the subject is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to le...
In recent years, new algorithms for dealing with rings of differential operators have been discovered and implemented. A main tool is the theory of Grobner bases, which is reexamined here from the point of view of geometric deformations. Perturbation techniques have a long tradition in analysis; Grobner deformations of left ideals in the Weyl algebra are the algebraic analogue to classical perturbation techniques. The algorithmic methods introduced here are particularly useful for studying the systems of multidimensional hypergeometric PDEs introduced by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. The...
In recent years, new algorithms for dealing with rings of differential operators have been discovered and implemented. A main tool is the theory of Gr...
Computational synthetic geometry deals with methods for realizing abstract geometric objects in concrete vector spaces. This research monograph considers a large class of problems from convexity and discrete geometry including constructing convex polytopes from simplicial complexes and vector geometries from incidence structures.
Computational synthetic geometry deals with methods for realizing abstract geometric objects in concrete vector spaces. This research monograph consid...
J. Kung and G.-C. Rota, in their 1984 paper, write: Like the Arabian phoenix rising out of its ashes, the theory of invariants, pronounced dead at the turn of the century, is once again at the forefront of mathematics . The book of Sturmfels is both an easy-to-read textbook for invariant theory and a challenging research monograph that introduces a new approach to the algorithmic side of invariant theory. The Groebner bases method is the main tool by which the central problems in invariant theory become amenable to algorithmic solutions. Students will find the book an easy introduction to...
J. Kung and G.-C. Rota, in their 1984 paper, write: Like the Arabian phoenix rising out of its ashes, the theory of invariants, pronounced dead at the...
How does an algebraic geometer studying secant varieties further the understanding of hypothesis tests in statistics? Why would a statistician working on factor analysis raise open problems about determinantal varieties? Connections of this type are at the heart of the new field of "algebraic statistics." In this field, mathematicians and statisticians come together to solve statistical inference problems using concepts from algebraic geometry as well as related computational and combinatorial techniques. The goal of these lectures is to introduce newcomers from the different camps to...
How does an algebraic geometer studying secant varieties further the understanding of hypothesis tests in statistics? Why would a statistician work...
This work is about the interplay of computational commutative algebra and the theory of convex polytopes. It centres around a special class of ideals in a polynomial ring: the class of toric ideals. They are characterized as those prime ideals that are generated by monomial differences or as the defining ideals of toric varieties (not necessarily normal). The interdisciplinary nature of the study of Grobner bases is reflected by the specific applications appearing in this book. These applications lie in the domains of integer programming and computational statistics. The mathematical tools...
This work is about the interplay of computational commutative algebra and the theory of convex polytopes. It centres around a special class of ideals ...
In recent years, new algorithms for dealing with rings of differential operators have been discovered and implemented. A main tool is the theory of Grobner bases, which is reexamined here from the point of view of geometric deformations. Perturbation techniques have a long tradition in analysis; Grobner deformations of left ideals in the Weyl algebra are the algebraic analogue to classical perturbation techniques. The algorithmic methods introduced here are particularly useful for studying the systems of multidimensional hypergeometric PDEs introduced by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. The...
In recent years, new algorithms for dealing with rings of differential operators have been discovered and implemented. A main tool is the theory of Gr...