The theory of theta functions has a long history; for this, we refer A. Krazer and W. Wirtinger the reader to an encyclopedia article by ("Sources" 9]). We shall restrict ourselves to postwar, i. e., after 1945, periods. Around 1948/49, F. Conforto, c. L. Siegel, A. Well reconsidered the main existence theorems of theta functions and found natural proofs for them. These are contained in Conforto: Abelsche Funktionen und algebraische Geometrie, Springer (1956); Siegel: Analytic functions of several complex variables, Lect. Notes, I. A. S. (1948/49); Well: Theoremes fondamentaux de la theorie...
The theory of theta functions has a long history; for this, we refer A. Krazer and W. Wirtinger the reader to an encyclopedia article by ("Sources" 9...