The internationally renowned novel about the life and death of Jesus Christ.
Hailed as a masterpiece by critics worldwide, The Last Temptation of Christ is a monumental reinterpretation of the Gospels that brilliantly fleshes out Christ's Passion. This literary rendering of the life of Jesus Christ has courted controversy since its publication by depicting a Christ far more human than the one seen in the Bible. He is a figure who is gloriously divine but earthy and human, a man like any other--subject to fear, doubt, and pain.
In elegant, thoughtful prose Nikos Kazantzakis,...
The internationally renowned novel about the life and death of Jesus Christ.
Hailed as a masterpiece by critics worldwide, The Last Temptation ...
This book represents the first English translation of Nikos Kazantzakis's 1909 dissertation on Friedrich Nietzsche's political and legal philosophy. Before Kazantzakis became one of the best-known modern Greek writers, he was an avid student of Nietzsche's thought, discovering Nietzsche while studying law in Paris from 1907 to 1909. This powerful assessment of Nietzsche's radical political thought is translated here from a restored and authentic recent edition of the original. Its deep insights are unencumbered by the encrustations that generations of Nietzsche's admirers and detractors have...
This book represents the first English translation of Nikos Kazantzakis's 1909 dissertation on Friedrich Nietzsche's political and legal philosophy. B...
Nikos Kazantzakis is no stranger to the heroes of Greek antiquity. In this historical novel based on the life of Alexander the Great, Kazantzakis has drawn on both the rich tradition of Greek legend and the documented manuscripts from the archives of history to recreate an Alexander in all his many-faceted images Alexander the god; Alexander the descendant of Heracles performing the twelve labors; Alexander the mystic, the daring visionary destined to carry out a divine mission; Alexander the flesh-and-blood mortal who, on occasion, is not above the common soldier s brawling and drinking....
Nikos Kazantzakis is no stranger to the heroes of Greek antiquity. In this historical novel based on the life of Alexander the Great, Kazantzakis has ...
Blending historical fact and classical myth, the author of Zorba the Greek and The Last Temptation of Christ transports the reader 3,000 years into the past, to a pivotal point in history: the final days before the ancient kingdom of Minoan Crete is to be conquered and supplanted by the emerging city-state of Athens. Translated by Theodora Vasils and Themi Vasils. The familiar figures who peopled that ancient world -- King Minos, Theseus and Ariadne, the Minotaur, Diadalos and Ikaros -- fill the pages of this novel with lifelike immediacy. Written originally for an Athenian youth...
Blending historical fact and classical myth, the author of Zorba the Greek and The Last Temptation of Christ transports the reader 3,000 years into th...
This autobiographical novel is one of the last things written by Kazantzakis before he died in 1957. It paints a vivid picture of his childhood in Crete, and then steadily grows into a spiritual quest that takes him to Italy, Jerusalem, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and Russia.
This autobiographical novel is one of the last things written by Kazantzakis before he died in 1957. It paints a vivid picture of his childhood in Cre...
Kazantzakis, Nikos Rosenthal-Kamarinea, Isidora Steinmetz, Alexander
Der weltberhmte und vielfach preisgekrnte Roman ber ein schicksalhaftes Abenteuer auf Kreta wurde mit Anthony Quinn in der Hauptrolle zum unvergelichen Filmklassiker: Der junge Schriftsteller Nikos ist mit seinem Leben unzufrieden und pachtet auf Kreta ein aufgelassenes Bergwerk. Doch erst die Begegnung mit dem Naturereignis Alexis Sorbas, dem Herumtreiber und Freigeist, lehrt den Ich-Erzhler, das Leben zu lieben und den Tod nicht zu frchten. Eine Liebeserklrung an Kreta und seine Menschen, ein Schelmenroman von antiker Heiterkeit.
Der weltberhmte und vielfach preisgekrnte Roman ber ein schicksalhaftes Abenteuer auf Kreta wurde mit Anthony Quinn in der Hauptrolle zum unvergeliche...
The Terrestrial Gospel is an anthology of passages selected from various books by Kazantzakis, centering on Nature and the workers of the soil. A powerful and poetic work that raises environmental awareness and calls us to compassionate action, the book contains new translations from the Greek originals to English, some original poems by Maskaleris, a Preface by Jean-Michel Cousteau, and an illuminating essay by ecologist, author, and film-maker, Michael Tobias. Love supports survival... Nikos Kazantzakis' love of Nature inspired him to write beautiful hymns to Her and to the human life...
The Terrestrial Gospel is an anthology of passages selected from various books by Kazantzakis, centering on Nature and the workers of the soil. A powe...
A stunning new translation of the classic book--and basis for the beloved Oscar-winning film--brings the clarity and beauty of Kazantzakis's language and story alive.
First published in 1946, Zorba the Greek, is, on one hand, the story of a Greek working man named Zorba, a passionate lover of life, the unnamed narrator who he accompanies to Crete to work in a lignite mine, and the men and women of the town where they settle. On the other hand it is the story of God and man, The Devil and the Saints; the struggle of men to find their souls and purpose in life and it is about love,...
A stunning new translation of the classic book--and basis for the beloved Oscar-winning film--brings the clarity and beauty of Kazantzakis's language ...
Der Schriftsteller Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) - weltberühmt etwa durch "Alexis Sorbas" - erzählt in diesem Roman den Alexander-Mythos auf einzigartige Weise. Aus der Sicht des kleinen Stephanos, der an der Seite des makedonischen Feldherrn zum Mann heranwächst, wir der Leser Zeuge des Werdegangs von Alexander dem Großen (356 bis 323 v. Chr.). Er taucht ein in die Atmosphäre des makedonischen Königshofs, in das Alltagsleben der Griechen vor mehr als 2000 Jahren und begibt sich mit Alexander auf dessen "zivilisatorischen" Feldzug nach Asien. Die literarische Methode verleiht dem Roman...
Der Schriftsteller Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) - weltberühmt etwa durch "Alexis Sorbas" - erzählt in diesem Roman den Alexander-Mythos auf einziga...
Der emeritierte Professor fur Byzantinistik und neugriechische Philologie, Evangelos Konstantinou, der sich eingehend mit dem Leben und Werk des unvergesslichen Dichters des Alexis Sorbas, Nikos Kasantzakis, befasst hat, stellt dem deutschen Publikum anlasslich des 50. Todestages (26. Oktober 1957) von Kasantzakis in diesem Jahr ein reprasentatives Beispiel aus einer fast unbekannten Gattung dessen vielseitigen literarischen uvres, namlich die Tragodie Kouros-Thiseas zum ersten Mal in deutscher Sprache vor. Diesem Werk gehort die grosse Vorliebe des Autors. Daher schrieb er kurz...
Der emeritierte Professor fur Byzantinistik und neugriechische Philologie, Evangelos Konstantinou, der sich eingehend mit dem Leben und Werk des unver...