The extent of Islamicity, or what Islam demands, is measured to confirm that self-declared Muslim countries have not adopted foundational Islamic teachings for rule-compliant Muslim communities. Western countries, on the other hand, are demonstrated to have better implemented fundamental Islamic teachings for a thriving society.
The extent of Islamicity, or what Islam demands, is measured to confirm that self-declared Muslim countries have not adopted foundational Islamic teac...
This book briefly surveys the evolution of the Western concept of development, recognizing the wider dimensions of human and economic development and the role of institutions and rules, which has moved toward the vision and the path of development envisaged in Islam.
This book briefly surveys the evolution of the Western concept of development, recognizing the wider dimensions of human and economic development and ...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Biologie - Genetik / Gentechnologie, Note: 1,0, Universitat zu Koln (Institut fur Genetik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit wurden durch eine VAPSE (variants affecting protein structure or expression)- basierte Strategie acht Kandidatengene fur die Untersuchung der neurologischen Krankheitsgruppe "idiopathische Epilepsien" sequenziert. Die hierbei identifizierten Variationen wurden mittels in silico Analysen bewertet und gegenuber haufigen Sequenzvarianten in der Population abgegrenzt. Bei der anschlieenden familiaren...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Biologie - Genetik / Gentechnologie, Note: 1,0, Universitat zu Koln (Institut fur Genetik), Sprache: Deu...
How the Islamic finance approach to risk can serve as a model for global reform
The recent U.S. financial debacle has affected the entire world and led to major reviews of risk management in financial institutions. Perhaps a simpler alternative is just to adopt the systems used for centuries in Islamic finance. Risk Sharing in Finance expounds upon this novel idea, suggesting that the Islamic financial system can be developed for use around the world by providing a helpful paradigm for crafting global financial reforms.
Demonstrating how Islamic finance can...
How the Islamic finance approach to risk can serve as a model for global reform
The recent U.S. financial debacle has affected the entire w...
Explaining how the price of aggression is low enough that governments do not avoid conflicts, this book uses examples drawn from recent conflicts in the Persian Gulf to examine many dimensions of costs incurred by warfare and proposes a private sector solution to warfare's low cost.
Explaining how the price of aggression is low enough that governments do not avoid conflicts, this book uses examples drawn from recent conflicts in t...
This book analyzes the origins of conflicts and wars in the Persian Gulf, assesses the common factor(s) that have been their essential fuel, determines their fallout for the political, economic, and human development of the region, and provides insight into how they may be better contained.
This book analyzes the origins of conflicts and wars in the Persian Gulf, assesses the common factor(s) that have been their essential fuel, determine...
Gain deeper insight into the principles and theory of Islamic economics
Introduction to Islamic Economics: Theory and Application provides an overview of the organizing principles and fundamentals of an Islamic economy. With deep discussion of the characteristics, rationale, key institutions, objectives, and instruments at work, the book addresses the core economic principles underlying a system based on the foundational teachings of Islam, and examines the implications for economic policies. Social welfare, economic justice, market functionality, efficiency, and equity are...
Gain deeper insight into the principles and theory of Islamic economics
Introduction to Islamic Economics: Theory and Application pro...
Challenges in Economic and Financial Policy Formulation provides an introductory, yet comprehensive, treatment of macroeconomic policies and their implementation in an Islamic-designed economic system.
Challenges in Economic and Financial Policy Formulation provides an introductory, yet comprehensive, treatment of macroeconomic policies and their imp...
Askari and Krichene provide a comprehensive background for recent international financial crises rapid expansion of interest-bearing debt and monetary expansion though the fractional reserve banking system. In this context, the authors provide an analysis of the experience and issues associated with international payments systems the various forms of the gold standard, the Bretton Woods system and the present system of flexible exchange rates. The authors go on to examine the case for fixed exchange rates (gold standard and other interesting variations) anchored in Islamic finance. The...
Askari and Krichene provide a comprehensive background for recent international financial crises rapid expansion of interest-bearing debt and monetary...
This book briefly surveys the evolution of the Western concept of development, recognizing the wider dimensions of human and economic development and the role of institutions and rules, which has moved toward the vision and the path of development envisaged in Islam.
This book briefly surveys the evolution of the Western concept of development, recognizing the wider dimensions of human and economic development and ...