What do doctors do when they get sick? The editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books asked more than 500 of the nations top specialists to recommend their best doctor-tested and easy-to-follow remedies for 138 illnesses and maladies. This complete, practical guide contains the distilled experience of health professionals who offer more than 2300 accessible healing tips for the most common medical complaints. In this handy reference you will find curative techniques and symptom-relieving treatments for bladder infections, depression, emphysema, headaches, premenstrual syndrome,...
What do doctors do when they get sick? The editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books asked more than 500 of the nations top specialists to re...
What's sex got to do with it? The more than 120 entries in "The Sex Encyclopedia", arranged in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format, provide the most up-to-the-minute information on sexual health, safety, and technique from dozens of the nation's top doctors, clinicians, researchers, and sex therapists.
Surprising new information, presented in frank detail, provides solutions for sexual problems connected to depression, fatigue, headaches, diabetes, heart attacks, cholesterol and arthritis. Innovative advice on nutritional needs, exercise, and on the importance of communication keeps you...
What's sex got to do with it? The more than 120 entries in "The Sex Encyclopedia", arranged in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format, provide the most up-to-th...
A unque muchas veces no nos damos cuenta, estamos rodeados por medicinas poderosas. Estan en nuestros alimentos, las plantas, en aceites, y, sobre todo, en nuestras mentes. Han existido por miles de anos, dando resultados tanto para faraones y princesas como para esgrimidores y quimicos. Se trata de los multiples metodos de curacion natural llamados colectivamente la "medicina alternativa." Despues de anos de investigacion, nosotros los editores de la revista de salud Prevention hemos identificado los 8 metodos mas efectivos y faciles que cualquiera puede usar en su propio hagar...
A unque muchas veces no nos damos cuenta, estamos rodeados por medicinas poderosas. Estan en nuestros alimentos, las plantas, en aceites, y, sobre ...
For far too long, doctors thought hormone replacement therapy was the answer to menopausal symptoms from hot flashes to sleepless nights to stubborn belly fat. But while it does help, HRT can be risky--and may raise women's chances for breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Luckily, there's a growing stack of research that natural remedies can be just as effective.
In The Natural Menopause Solution, the editors of Prevention and integrative medicine specialist Melinda Ring, MD, distill that research into the easy-to-follow 30-Day Slim-Down, Cool-Down Diet, which can...
For far too long, doctors thought hormone replacement therapy was the answer to menopausal symptoms from hot flashes to sleepless nights to stubbor...