The papersin this volume are as a resultofcontributions given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute heldat L1andinam Building, University CollegeofWales, Aberystwyth, 10 - 23 September 1989. The Institute considered the physical and chemical propertiesof a variety ofcolloidal systems ranging from simple micellar solutions to concentrated colloidal dispersions. The purpose ofthe NATO Advanced Study Institute was to create a forum so that research scientists working in different areas concerned with colloid science could interact. The emphasL oft1"l.; contributions were on the interpretation...
The papersin this volume are as a resultofcontributions given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute heldat L1andinam Building, University CollegeofWale...
As a result of the pioneering efforts of Eigen, de Maeyer, Norrish and Porter, the kinetics of fast reactions in solution can now be studied using chemical relaxation methods, as well as many other fast reactions techniques. These methods have been applied successfully in many branches of the natural sciences. The simultaneous growth in the number of investiga tors and the diversity of their research interests has inevitably led to communication problems. The purpose of the NATO Advanced Study Institute entitled "New Applications of Chemical Relaxation Spectrometry and Other Fast Reaction...
As a result of the pioneering efforts of Eigen, de Maeyer, Norrish and Porter, the kinetics of fast reactions in solution can now be studied using che...