It is our pleasure to thank dl those uho contributed to nialing thew proceeding possible: the authors. progriimme committee. organihing committee, I4C.K otticfrh and directors, and all the attendees. We were all deeplq saddened nhen ne lemied th, it Tore Ilerle tam. J member 01 the programme committee, had died unexpsctedl Thi olunie I dedicated to liim Amsterdum, the Netherlirnds London, Englund Junuur, 1988 __ . .. . I. Advances in C'r>ptolog?: .A Report on C'RY t'TO Si. Allen Cirrlio. k.d.. L 04. Department of P.lectrica1 and ('omputcr Engineering, S'iiita Harhara 2. C'ryptography:...
It is our pleasure to thank dl those uho contributed to nialing thew proceeding possible: the authors. progriimme committee. organihing committee, I4C...
For many years now, cryptography has been keeping messages secure for senders, irrespective of the routing to the destination. This same technology can be used to keep votes secure for voters, from the casting of the vote all the way through to the inclusion of the vote in the final tally. This state-of-the-art survey addresses the challenges faced in establishing a trustworthy electronic voting system. The 24 contributions included in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from the presentations given during a series of workshops on trustworthy elections held over the last decade....
For many years now, cryptography has been keeping messages secure for senders, irrespective of the routing to the destination. This same technology ca...
An international community of researchers is now flourishing in the area of cryptology-there was none half-a-dozen years ago. The intrinsic fascination of the field certainly is part of the explanation. Another factor may be that many sense the importance and potential consequences of this work, as we move into the information age. I believe that the various meetings devoted to cryptology over the past few years have contributed quite significantly to the formation of this community, by allowing those in the field to get to know each other and by providing for rapid exchange of ideas. CRYPTO...
An international community of researchers is now flourishing in the area of cryptology-there was none half-a-dozen years ago. The intrinsic fascinatio...