Relying on a variety of literary, documentary and archaeological sources, this work explores the Roman military supply system from the Punic Wars to the end of the Principate. Each chapter is devoted to a different aspect of logistics: supply needs and rations; packs, trains and military servants; foraging and requisition; supply lines; sources of supply; administration; and the impact of logistics on Roman warfare. As a whole the book traces the development of the Roman logistics into a highly sophisticated supply system - a vital element in the success of Roman arms. In addition, it...
Relying on a variety of literary, documentary and archaeological sources, this work explores the Roman military supply system from the Punic Wars to t...
Die Methode, sich ohne eigenes Zutun Wissen anzueignen, gibt es (noch?) nicht. Allerdings gibt es eine Anzahl von Instrumenten zur Erleichterung und rationellen Gestaltung des Lernens. Hierzu gehort das Konzept der Lernfragen, das im vor liegenden Arbeitsbuch angewendet wird. Eine ausfUhrliche Darstellung dieses Kon zepts und der damit in den letzten Jahren gemachten Erfahrungen finden Sie in: B. A. Schmid und W. Zoller: 'L ern f rag en, Erfahrungen mit dem hoch schulmethodischen Konzept der Heidelberger ArbeitsbUcher', Berlin/Heidelberg/ New York 1972. Das Lernprogramm dieses Buches wurde im...
Die Methode, sich ohne eigenes Zutun Wissen anzueignen, gibt es (noch?) nicht. Allerdings gibt es eine Anzahl von Instrumenten zur Erleichterung und r...
In 1898 Camillo Golgi reported his newly observed intracellular structure, the apparato reticolare interno, now universally known as the Golgi Apparatus. The method he used was an ingenious histological technique (La reazione nera) which brought him fame for the discovery of neuronal networks and culminated in the award of the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1906. This technique, however, was not easily reproducible and led to a long-lasting controversy about the reality of the Golgi apparatus. Its identification as a ubiquitous organelle by electron microscopy turned out to be the...
In 1898 Camillo Golgi reported his newly observed intracellular structure, the apparato reticolare interno, now universally known as the Golgi Apparat...