Musical Perceptions is a much-needed text that introduces students of both music and psychology to the study of music perception and cognition. Because the book aims to foster a closer interaction between research in the science and the art of music, both psychologists and musicians contribute chapters on a wide range of topics, including the philosophy of music; research in musical performance; perception of melody, tonality, and rhythm; pedagogical issues; language and music; and neural networks. With their unique ability to introduce musical and psychological concepts to...
Musical Perceptions is a much-needed text that introduces students of both music and psychology to the study of music perception and cognitio...
What is it that accounts for the differences between musical beginners, advanced music makers, and world class performers? Virtually everyone likes music and has the capacity to be musical in some way (despite what some may say about themselves). Yet far fewer people come to be so involved with it that they identify themselves as musicians, and fewer still become musicians of international class.
Psychology for Musicians provides the basis for answering this question. Examining the processes that underlie the acquisition of musical skills, Lehmann, Sloboda, and Woody provide a...
What is it that accounts for the differences between musical beginners, advanced music makers, and world class performers? Virtually everyone likes mu...
In this survey of our current knowledge concerning the cognitive psychology of music, the author--a psychologist and practicing musician--examines the mental processes involved in composing, performing, listening to, and "understanding" music, and shows how such skills are acquired.
In this survey of our current knowledge concerning the cognitive psychology of music, the author--a psychologist and practicing musician--examines the...
This text comprises of reviews of work relating to music and mind. It presents a range of approaches from the psychological through the computational, to the musicological. The reviews were selected from papers submitted at the Third International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition Liege 1994 to illustrate the wide range of perspectives now being adopted in studying how humans make and respond to music. The book is divided ino five sections. The first part illustrates the role of analysis and ethnomusicology in understanding cultural determinants of musical behaviour. The second...
This text comprises of reviews of work relating to music and mind. It presents a range of approaches from the psychological through the computational,...