In a philosophical erotic narrative, an essay on poetry, and in poems Georges Bataille pursues his guiding concept, the impossible. The narrator engages in a journey, one reminiscent of the Grail quest; failing, he experiences truth. He describes a movement toward a disappearing object, the same elusive object that moved Theresa of Avila and Catherine of Siena to ecstasy.
-Humanity is faced with a double perspective: in one direction, violent pleasure, horror and death - precisely the perspective of poetry - and in the opposite direction, that of science or the real world of utility....
In a philosophical erotic narrative, an essay on poetry, and in poems Georges Bataille pursues his guiding concept, the impossible. The narrator en...
Theory of Religion brings to philosophy what Bataille's earlier book, The Accursed Share, brought to anthropology and history; namely, an analysis based on notions of excess and expenditure. Bataille brilliantly defines religion as so many different attempts to respond to the universe's relentless generosity. Framed within his original theory of generalized economics and based on his masterly reading of archaic religious activity, Theory of Religion constitutes, along with The Accursed Share, the most important articulation of Bataille's work.Georges Bataille (1897-1962), founder of the...
Theory of Religion brings to philosophy what Bataille's earlier book, The Accursed Share, brought to anthropology and history; namely, an analysis ...
The three volumes of The Accursed Share address what Georges Bataille sees as the paradox of utility: namely, if being useful means serving a further end, then the ultimate end of utility can only be uselessness. The first volume of The Accursed Share, the only one published before Bataille's death, treated this paradox in economic terms, showing that -it is not necessity but its contrary, luxury, that presents living matter and mankind with their fundamental problems.- This Zone edition includes in a single volume a reconstruction, based on the versions published in Bataille's posthumous...
The three volumes of The Accursed Share address what Georges Bataille sees as the paradox of utility: namely, if being useful means serving a furth...
Few philosophers have had as strong an influence on the twentieth century as Michel Foucault. His work has affected the teaching of any number of disciplines and remains, twenty years after his death, critically important. This newly available edition is drawn from the complete collection of all of Foucault s courses, articles, and interviews, and brings his most important work to a new generation of readers. "Aesthetics, Method and Epistemology" (edited by James D. Faubion) surveys Foucault s diverse but sustained address of the historical forms and interplay of passion, experience, and...
Few philosophers have had as strong an influence on the twentieth century as Michel Foucault. His work has affected the teaching of any number of d...
Power, the third and final volume of The New Press s Essential Works of Foucault series, draws together Foucault s contributions to what he saw as the still-underdeveloped practice of political analysis. It covers the domains Foucault helped to make part of the core agenda of Western political culture medicine, psychiatry, the penal system, sexuality illuminating and expanding on the themes of The Birth of the Clinic, Discipline and Punish, and the first volume of The History of Sexuality.
Power includes previously unpublished lectures, later...
Power, the third and final volume of The New Press s Essential Works of Foucault series, draws together Foucault s contributions to what he ...
Can there be a society that is not divided into oppressors and oppressed, or that refuses coercive state apparatuses? In this landmark text in anthropology and political science, Pierre Clastres offers examples of South American Indian groups that, though without hierarchical leadership, were both affluent and complex. In so doing, he refutes the usual negative definition of tribal society and poses its order as a radical critique of our own Western state of power.Born in 1934, Pierre Clastres was educated at the Sorbonne. Through out the 1960s he lived with Indian groups in Paraguay and...
Can there be a society that is not divided into oppressors and oppressed, or that refuses coercive state apparatuses? In this landmark text in anth...
An -introduction to the nonfascist life- (Michel Foucault, from the Preface) When it first appeared in France, Anti-Oedipus was hailed as a masterpiece by some and -a work of heretical madness- by others. In it, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari set forth the following theory: Western society's innate herd instinct has allowed the government, the media, and even the principles of economics to take advantage of each person's unwillingness to be cut off from the group. What's more, those who suffer from mental disorders may not be insane, but could be individuals in the purest...
An -introduction to the nonfascist life- (Michel Foucault, from the Preface) When it first appeared in France, Anti-Oedipus was hail...
Au XXe siecle, la societe occidentale s est progressivement laicisee et sa culture semble aujourd hui affranchie de l influence du christianisme. Pourtant des qu on examine avec acuite les productions artistiques actuelles, on y rencontre de nombreux vestiges de la spiritualite chretienne. Ainsi en litterature, par le biais de thematiques ou de personnages emblematiques, les marques de la tradition judeo-chretienne sont aisement decelables. L analyse de nombreuses productions francophones destinees a la jeunesse, qu il s agisse d abecedaires, d albums, de romans, ou encore de films a...
Au XXe siecle, la societe occidentale s est progressivement laicisee et sa culture semble aujourd hui affranchie de l influence du christianisme. Pour...