Amylin deciphers amylin's physiology and reveals previously unrecognized mechanisms fundamental to control body weight and fuel homeostasis. This book also discusses therapeutic utility of amylin as the first new medicine to treat diabetes since insulin.
Provides a current comprehensive treatment of amylin the hormone
Identifies the majority of amylin's physiologic functions
Amylin deciphers amylin's physiology and reveals previously unrecognized mechanisms fundamental to control body weight and fuel homeostasis. Th...
Face and Mind provides an excellent summary of the most important theo retical and empirical work done on face perception in recent years. Th is collection of seminal research and review papers examines the quest ion of how faces are special, in terms of their social, biological, an d theoretical roles, and seeks to determine what our understanding of the face can tell us about the human brain. The book addresses a wide range of topics, including how the mind processes, remembers, and reca lls different faces; covert face recognition; faces in social and biol ogical contexts; errors in...
Face and Mind provides an excellent summary of the most important theo retical and empirical work done on face perception in recent years. Th is colle...
Charles Ross, a financial expert and a former investment officer with a major financial institution, offers a reliable source for Christians to turn to for guidance and help in today's financially complex world. Each chapter includes relevant Scriptures and biblical principles, as well as the experience of individuals who have applied the financial guidelines taught by Charles Ross.
Charles Ross, a financial expert and a former investment officer with a major financial institution, offers a reliable source for Christians to turn t...
Andrew Young is one of the most important figures of the U.S. civil rights movement and one of America's best-known African American leaders. Working closely with Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, he endured beatings and arrests while participating in seminal civil rights campaigns. In 1964, he became Executive Director of the SCLC, serving with King during a time of great accomplishment and turmoil. In describing his life through his election to Congress in 1972, this memoir provides revelatory, riveting reading. Young's analysis of the connection...
Andrew Young is one of the most important figures of the U.S. civil rights movement and one of America's best-known African American leaders. Working ...
"The greatest political saga, the one that has it all, that gets to the real heart of American politics, is the John Edwards story... This isn't just politics, it's literature. It's the great American novel, the kind that isn't written anymore." --Michael Wolff on John Edwards's trajectory, on
The underside of modern American politics -- raw ambition, manipulation, and deception -- are revealed in detail by Andrew Young's riveting account of a presidential hopeful's meteoric rise and scandalous fall. Like a non-fiction version of All the...
"The greatest political saga, the one that has it all, that gets to the real heart of American politics, is the John Edwards story... Thi...
In recent years, the importance of carotenoids as light harvesting and photoprotective compounds of the photsynthetic apparatus has become apparent. In particular, advances in caratenoid photochemistry have led to significant developments in our understanding of the mechanisms of photsynthesis. This volume is a comprehensive study of the biology, biochemistry and chemistry of carotenoids in higher plants, algae and phototropic bacteria. Emphasis is placed on the photochemistry of carotenoids and the techniques used to study them. Other chapters focus on the nature and distribution of...
In recent years, the importance of carotenoids as light harvesting and photoprotective compounds of the photsynthetic apparatus has become apparent. I...