Wolfgang Miltner Niels Birbaumer Wolf-Dieter Gerber
Kontakte zwischen Psychologie und anderen Verhaltenswissenschaften mit der Medizin waren bisher fast ausschliesslich auf die Psychiatrie und zu einem geringeren Ausmass auf die Padiatrie beschrankt. In den letzten Jahren haben fruher seltene Kontakte mit den ubrigen medizinischen Disziplinen ein "kritisches" Ausmass erreicht und wachsen rasch weiter: Aus diesen Beziehungen entstand das anregend neue interdisziplinare Gebiet der Verhaltensmedizin (behavioral medicine). Immer mehr Psycho logen und andere Verhaltenswissenschaftler begannen mit den verschiede nen Zweigen der Organmedizin...
Kontakte zwischen Psychologie und anderen Verhaltenswissenschaften mit der Medizin waren bisher fast ausschliesslich auf die Psychiatrie und zu einem ...
Although the injunction "Know thyself" was inscribed over the site of the Delphic Oracle, the concept is of much more ancient lineage. Thousands of years ago, the wise men of the East had learned to exert authority over a broad range of bodily experiences and functions using techniques that are still taught today. But it is only in the past few decades that the West has become aware once again of the range of control that the central nervous system can maintain over sensation and body function. Medicine has moved slowly in integrating these concepts into the classic medical model of disease...
Although the injunction "Know thyself" was inscribed over the site of the Delphic Oracle, the concept is of much more ancient lineage. Thousands of ye...
The impaired brain has often been difficult to rehabilitate owing to limited knowledge of the brain system. Recently, advanced imaging techniques such as fMRI and MEG have allowed researchers to investigate spatiotemporal dynamics in the living human brain. Consequently, knowledge in systems neuroscience is now rapidly growing. Advanced techniques have found practical application by providing new prosthetics, such as brain machine interfaces, expanding the range of activities of persons with disabilities, or the elderly. The book s chapters are authored by researchers from various research...
The impaired brain has often been difficult to rehabilitate owing to limited knowledge of the brain system. Recently, advanced imaging techniques s...