The National Science Foundation, The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and the Center for Technology and Humanities at Georgia State University sponsored a two-day national conference on Moral Issues and Public Policy Issues in the Use of the Method of Quantitative Risk Assessment ( QRA) on September 26 and 27, 1985, in Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of the conference was to promote discussion among practicing risk assessors, senior government health officials extensively involved in the practice of QRA, and moral philosophers familiar with the method. The conference was...
The National Science Foundation, The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and the Center for Technology and Humanities at Georgia Sta...
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1989 is the seventh volume in a series of texts designed to review and update the literature on issues of central importance in bioethics today. Three topics are discussed in the present volume: (1) Should Abnormal Fetuses Be Brought to Term for the Sole Purpose of Providing Infant Transplant Organs? (2) Should Physicians Dispense Drugs for Profit? and (3) Should Human Death Be Taken to Occur When Persons Perma- nently Lose Consciousness? Each topic constitutes a separate section in our text; introductory essays briefly summarize the contents of each section....
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1989 is the seventh volume in a series of texts designed to review and update the literature on issues of central importan...
In the past few years, an increasing number of colleges and universities have added courses in biomedical ethics to their curricula. To some extent, these additions serve to satisfy student demands for "relevance. " But it is also true that such changes reflect a deepening desire on the part of the academic community to deal effectively with a host of problems which must be solved if we are to have a health-care delivery system which is efficient, humane, and just. To a large degree, these problems are the unique result of both rapidly changing moral values and dramatic advances in biomedical...
In the past few years, an increasing number of colleges and universities have added courses in biomedical ethics to their curricula. To some extent, t...
In ALLOCATING HEALTH CARE RESOURCES, leading authorities and researchers expose the basic philosophical, ethical, and economic issues underlying the current health care debate. The contributors wrestle with such complicated issues as whether it is ethical to ration health care, the morality of the worldwide bias against children in allocating health care resources, whether sin taxes can be defended morally, and how to achieve a just health care system. The book also includes an insightful analysis of the Clinton health care reform plan. ALLOCATING HEALTH CARE RESOURCES will be of...
In ALLOCATING HEALTH CARE RESOURCES, leading authorities and researchers expose the basic philosophical, ethical, and economic issues underlying the c...
Biomedical Ethics Reviews: 1992 is the tenth volume in a series of texts designed to review and update the literature on issues of central importance in bioethics today. Two topics are discussed in the present volume: (1) Bioethics and the Military, and (2) Compulsory Birth Control. Each topic constitutes a separate section in our text; introductory essays briefly summarize the contents of each section. Bioethics is, by its nature, interdisciplinary in character. Recog- nizing this fact, the authors represented in the present volume have made every effort to minimize the use of technical...
Biomedical Ethics Reviews: 1992 is the tenth volume in a series of texts designed to review and update the literature on issues of central importance ...