-If Broadway ever erects a monument to a patron saint of laughter, Neil Simon will have to be it.- --Time Magazine
This first volume of The Collected Plays of Neil Simon contains the triumphs that put Neil Simon's unique brand of comic genius on the American stage, and made him the most successful playwright of his generation. His mixture of verbal wit and beautifully crafted farce, ethnic humor and insight into universal foible, and above all compassion and understanding, make even his sharpest barbs touch the heart as well as the funny bone. These seven plays,...
-If Broadway ever erects a monument to a patron saint of laughter, Neil Simon will have to be it.- --Time Magazine
"I suspect I shall keep on writing in a vain search for the perfect play. I hope I will keep my equilibrium and sense of humor when I'm told I haven't achieved it. At any rate, the trip has been wonderful. As George and Ira Gershwin said, "they can't take that away from me." --From Neil Simon's Introduction
And they can't take away the pleasure that Neil Simon's plays have given literally millions of theatergoers in the past quarter of a century. They and the critics agree that a trip to see any one of this master of comedy's stage triumphs ranks among the most wonderful experiences that...
"I suspect I shall keep on writing in a vain search for the perfect play. I hope I will keep my equilibrium and sense of humor when I'm told I haven't...
A winning combination of touching personal memories and reflections, anecdotes about the writing life, and hilarious stories about some of the biggest names in the entertainment business, "Rewrites" is "one wonderful read" (Larry King, "USA Today"). of photos.
A winning combination of touching personal memories and reflections, anecdotes about the writing life, and hilarious stories about some of the biggest...
In his critically acclaimed Rewrites, Neil Simon talked about his beginnings -- his early years of working in television, his first real love, his first play, his first brush with failure, and, most moving of all, his first great loss. Simon's same willingness to open his heart to the reader permeates The Play Goes On. This second act takes the reader from the mid-1970s to the present, a period in which Simon wrote some of his most popular and critically acclaimed plays, including the Brighton Beach trilogy and Lost in Yonkers, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize....
In his critically acclaimed Rewrites, Neil Simon talked about his beginnings -- his early years of working in television, his first real love,...
Don't read this. It's boring. You want to have fun? Just look at any one of the side-splitting, eye-opening cartoons in this collection by Bruce Eric Kaplan. Yes, he's the one whose drawings have the little initials BEK in the corner. You've probably seen them in The New Yorker. They're in there almost every week, for God's sake. His stomping ground is the usual territory of classic literature -- love, relationships and the search for a meaningful existence. Like the work of James Thurber, his warring husbands and wives, world-weary children and hostile therapists convey the...
Don't read this. It's boring. You want to have fun? Just look at any one of the side-splitting, eye-opening cartoons in this collection by Bruce Eric ...
Corrie and Paul are newly-weds who have just moved into their cold eyrie apartment in New York. Corrie is starry-eyed, Paul less so after staggering up five flights. Their house seems to be populated by unusual people, the most bohemian being Victor whom Corrie finds entertaining. Corrie tries matchmaking between Victor and her lonely mother but after a disastrous dinner party she learns that walking barefoot in the park may not necessarily denote joie de vivre - in February it is simply silly!
Corrie and Paul are newly-weds who have just moved into their cold eyrie apartment in New York. Corrie is starry-eyed, Paul less so after staggering u...
Comedy / 6m, 2f / Int. This classic comedy opens as a group of the guys assembled for cards in the apartment of divorced Oscar Madison. And if the mess is any indication, it's no wonder that his wife left him. Late to arrive is Felix Unger who has just been separated from his wife. Fastidious, depressed and none too tense, Felix seems suicidal, but as the action unfolds Oscar becomes the one with murder on his mind when the clean-freak and the slob ultimately decide to room together with hilarious results as The Odd Couple is born. "His skill is not only great but constantly growing...There...
Comedy / 6m, 2f / Int. This classic comedy opens as a group of the guys assembled for cards in the apartment of divorced Oscar Madison. And if the mes...
Full Length, Comic Drama / 3m, 4f / Comb. Ints/Ext. Here is part one of Neil Simon's autobiographical trilogy: a portrait of the writer as a young teen in 1937 living with his family in a crowded, lower middle-class Brooklyn walk-up. Eugene Jerome, standing in for the author, is the narrator and central character. Dreaming of baseball and girls, Eugene must cope with the mundane existence of his family life in Brooklyn: formidable mother, overworked father, and his worldly older brother Stanley. Throw into the mix his widowed Aunt Blanche, her two young (but rapidly aging) daughters and...
Full Length, Comic Drama / 3m, 4f / Comb. Ints/Ext. Here is part one of Neil Simon's autobiographical trilogy: a portrait of the writer as a young tee...
In her beach house in the Hamptons, celebrated writer Rose Stern stands at a crossroads: she hasn't written anything in years and money is getting short. Her former lover, literary lion Walsh McLaren, offers her-from beyond the grave-an opportunity to regain her celebrity and gross millions. It's not going to be easy and a "ghost" writer is required setting in motion another touching and unpredictable romantic theatrical by America's premier Pulitzer Prize-winning comic playwright.
Full Length, Comedy
Characters: 2 male, 2 female
Interior Set
In her beach house in the Hamptons, celebrated writer Rose Stern stands at a cro...
Recent widower, writer George Schneider, is encouraged by his younger brother Leo to start dating again. Which sends George into even more depression after a series of bad matches. Then Leo comes up with Jennie Malone and she's a keeper. Still, it's a bumpy trip on the road to Dreamland for these not-so-young lovers. George and Jennie stumble on, overcoming both their hesitation on the rebound and emotional neediness. In a hilarious, farcical subplot, Leo has a fling with Faye, Jennie's neurotic married friend....
Full Length, Comedy
Characters: 2 male, 2 female
Complete interior set
Recent widower, writer George Schneider, is encouraged by his younger...