These essays by educators provide a portrait of ideas and developments in education that can influence the possibility of social and political change. The authors take into account feminism, ecology, and media in their pursuit of ideas that can inform the fundamental practice of education.
These essays by educators provide a portrait of ideas and developments in education that can influence the possibility of social and political change....
One of the most compelling ethnographies of school ever written, 'Schooling as a Ritual Performance' has for over a decade made its mark among educators, sociologists, and those seeking to understand the cultural meaning of classroom practices. Written by one of the major world figures on the educational left, 'Schooling as a Ritual Performance' is a pioneering study of the partnership between capitalism and religion and the educational offspring it produces. Not since Paul Willis' 'Learning to Labor' has an educational ethnography about schooling so pushed the limits of current social...
One of the most compelling ethnographies of school ever written, 'Schooling as a Ritual Performance' has for over a decade made its mark among educato...
This title examines what is currently at stake culturally, politically, and educationally in contemporary global capitalist society. The book evaluates the message of Che Guevara and Paulo Freire for politics in general and education.
This title examines what is currently at stake culturally, politically, and educationally in contemporary global capitalist society. The book evaluate...
This collection explores the way in which critical theory and practice can unite into a common vision of democratic hope. While each author has his or her own specialty, the thread of shared dreams is portrayed in a call for solidarity. The separate viewpoints are drawn together to constitute a democratic platform for an enlightened critical education agenda. From narrative to critical ethnography, case studies explore the multicultural and power struggles of states, districts, and schools. Intimately connected to all contributions in this collection is the commitment of each author to...
This collection explores the way in which critical theory and practice can unite into a common vision of democratic hope. While each author has his...
This collection explores the way in which critical theory and practice can unite into a common vision of democratic hope. While each author has his or her own specialty, the thread of shared dreams is portrayed in a call for solidarity. The separate viewpoints are drawn together to constitute a democratic platform for an enlightened critical education agenda. From narrative to critical ethnography, case studies explore the multicultural and power struggles of states, districts, and schools. Intimately connected to all contributions in this collection is the commitment of each author to...
This collection explores the way in which critical theory and practice can unite into a common vision of democratic hope. While each author has his...
"Revolutionary Social Transformation" focuses on the visions and analysis culled from the writings of Karl Marx, Paulo Freire, and Antonio Gramsci. Marx's theory of critical praxis and his dialectical conceptualization of capitalism are discussed together with Freire's and Gramsci's ideas. The author suggests that these are necessary ingredients for authentic social transformation as well as a basis for rekindling hope for a veritable democratic future.
The author employs both a language of critique and a language of possibility to argue that the process of social transformation must be...
"Revolutionary Social Transformation" focuses on the visions and analysis culled from the writings of Karl Marx, Paulo Freire, and Antonio Gramsci....
Pedagogy of Insurrection by Peter McLaren has won the American Educational Research Association, Division B Outstanding Book Recognition Award 2016. Peter McLaren, named Outstanding Educator in America by the Association of Educators of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2013 and winner of numerous awards for his scholarship and international political activism, has penned another classic work with Pedagogy of Insurrection. One of the educators that Ana Maria (Nita) Araujo Freire credits as an architect of what has come to be known worldwide as critical pedagogy, and...
Pedagogy of Insurrection by Peter McLaren has won the American Educational Research Association, Division B Outstanding Book Recognition Award 2...