Although the debate about the true nature of the quantum behavior of atomic systems has never ceased, there are two periods during which it has been particularly intense: the years that saw the founding of quantum mechanics and, increasingly, these modern times. In 1954 Max Born, on accepting the Nobel Prize for his 'fundamental researches in quantum mechanics', recalled the depth of the disagreements that divided celebrated quantum theorists of those days into two camps: . . . when I say that physicists had accepted the way of thinking developed by us at that time, r am not quite correct:...
Although the debate about the true nature of the quantum behavior of atomic systems has never ceased, there are two periods during which it has been p...
Quantum mechanics has reached maturity as an a wesome scientific theory, and undeniably no experiment has so far produced any result conflic- ting with its predictions. Nevertheless, an increasing number of scholars are seriously questioning the limits of this discipline's validity, a fact that is eloquently attested to by the four international conferences devoted to the foundations of quantum theory which were held in 1987 alone - in Joensuu, Vienna, Gdansk, and Delphi, respectively. There is an increa ing awareness that the founding fathers of quantum mechanics have left behind a theory...
Quantum mechanics has reached maturity as an a wesome scientific theory, and undeniably no experiment has so far produced any result conflic- ting wit...
This book appears in the year of de Broglie's hundredth birthday (Mr. Wave-Particle Duality, himself). Each chapter is by a different author. Paper titles include: Probability, Pseudoprobability, Mean Values; Local Vacua; Duality of Fluctuations, Fields, and More; The Aharonov-Bohm Effect From the Point of View of Local Realism; Unsharp Particle-Wa
This book appears in the year of de Broglie's hundredth birthday (Mr. Wave-Particle Duality, himself). Each chapter is by a different author. Paper ti...
This book ushers in a new era of experimental and theoretical investigations into collective processes, structure formation, and self-organization of nuclear matter. It reports the results of experiments wherein for the first time the nuclei constituting our world (those displayed in Mendeleev's table as well as the super-heavy ones) have been artificially created. Pioneering breakthroughs are described, achieved at the "Proton-21" Laboratory, Kiev, Ukraine in a variety of new physical and technological directions.
This book ushers in a new era of experimental and theoretical investigations into collective processes, structure formation, and self-organization ...
, (...) Ausfuhrlich setzt sich Selleri mit den verschiedenen Interpretationen und ihren Schwachstellen auseinander. Philosophische Exkurse sowie die Herleitung mancher Formel mit Hilfe des quantenmechanischen Formalismus fehlen nicht. Einen breiten Raum nimmt das Gedankenexperiment von Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen ein, welches in lobenswerter Scharfe analysiert wird."Bild der Wissenschaft
, (...) Ausfuhrlich setzt sich Selleri mit den verschiedenen Interpretationen und ihren Schwachstellen auseinander. Philosophische Exkurse sowie die H...
This volume tries to continue a tradition of reviews of the contemporary research on the foundations of modern physics begun by the volume on the Einstein- Podolsky-Rosen paradox that appeared a few years ago. (I) Its publication coin- cides with the hundredth anniversary of de Broglie's birth (1892), a very welcome superposition, given the lasting influence of the Einstein-de Broglie conception of wave-particle duality. The present book, however, contains papers based on a broad spectrum of basic ideas, some even opposite to those that Einstein and de Broglie would have liked. The order of...
This volume tries to continue a tradition of reviews of the contemporary research on the foundations of modern physics begun by the volume on the Eins...
Die Debatte tiber die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie, die auf eine mehr als fiinfzigjiihrige Tradition zurtickblickt, war in zwei Perioden besonders intensiv, niimlich unmittelbar nach der Begrtindung der Quantentheorie und wiederum in den letzten Jahren. An die Frtihzeit der Quantenphysik erinnerte Max Born in seiner Rede, die er anliiBlich der Verleihung des Nobelpreises im Jahre 1954 hielt. Er beschrieb die tiefgreifende Meinungsverschiedenheit, die die bertihmtesten Quantentheoretiker in 1 zwei Lager schied: "Wenn ich sagte, die Physiker hiitten die damals von uns entwickelte Denkweise...
Die Debatte tiber die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie, die auf eine mehr als fiinfzigjiihrige Tradition zurtickblickt, war in zwei Perioden besonders in...