Contemporary society, according to F.F. Centore, is dominated by a post-modern philosophical world-view. Therefore, he argues, it behooves the educated individual to know what this perspective means, where it came from, and where it is taking humankind. Lacking until now, from the many works that have been written on post-modernism, is one that scrutinizes its fundamental assumptions and presuppositions.
Being and Becoming fills this need by synthesizing the key developments in contemporary post-modernism. By taking the reader through the various historical periods and developments...
Contemporary society, according to F.F. Centore, is dominated by a post-modern philosophical world-view. Therefore, he argues, it behooves the educ...
Centore's work is an inquiry into the weaknesses and strengths of the two basic positions in ethics: the man-centered model and the God-centered model for deciding between right and wrong behavior. The philosophical paradigm for the man-centered approach is absolute relativism, while the paradigm for the God-centered approach is relative absolutism. Centore argues that the man-centered model in actual practice proves not to be realistic as an ethical guide, while the God-centered model, if properly understood, is the most useful approach. This work penetrates difficult ethical issues by...
Centore's work is an inquiry into the weaknesses and strengths of the two basic positions in ethics: the man-centered model and the God-centered mo...
This book brings together the chief elements of 3,000 years of philosophy as found mainly in Western thought in a highly readable form. The work concentrates on problems and issues much more than on names, dates and places. It begins with just those elements of logic needed to understand what follows in the rest of the book. It then explains why philosophy is a worthwhile and distinctive branch of knowledge relative to the other main areas of intellectual interest. Next, it deals with the central problem in philosophy insofar as philosophy is a speculative study. And finally, the text...
This book brings together the chief elements of 3,000 years of philosophy as found mainly in Western thought in a highly readable form. The work conc...
In the history of science and philosophy and the philosophy of nature the name Robert Hooke has been largely ignored. H he is occasionally men tioned. it is usually in one of two ways: either he is briefly referred to in passing. or. he is viewed through the eyes of some later giant in the history of science and philosophy such as Sir Isaac Newton. Both approaches. however, do Hooke an injustice. In the academic world of today. there is no scholarly study available of Hooke's actual place in the history of science and philosophy with respect to his doctrines and accomplishments within the...
In the history of science and philosophy and the philosophy of nature the name Robert Hooke has been largely ignored. H he is occasionally men tioned....