This mini-encyclopedia aims to provide a survey of the wide range of interventions available for treating schizophrenia at a level appropriate for non-specialists who are beginning their engagement in the area and for others as a source of reference for the specialist. The pharmacological options are considered alongside psychosocial management approaches and the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment modality are outlined. The entries are written by leading experts, including basic and clinical scientists in academia and industry, and include descriptions of many relevant fundamental...
This mini-encyclopedia aims to provide a survey of the wide range of interventions available for treating schizophrenia at a level appropriate for non...
Psychopharmacology is the study of the effects of psychoactive drugs on the functioning of the central nervous system at all levels of analysis, thus embracing cognition, behavior, psychological states, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, gene expression, and molecular biology. It includes, as an integral part of its domain, the interaction of environmental and genetic factors with psychoactive drug action, the medicinal and social uses of drugs, and the misuse and abuse of psychoactive substances.
The aim of this comprehensive encyclopedia is to provide detailed information on...
Psychopharmacology is the study of the effects of psychoactive drugs on the functioning of the central nervous system at all levels of analysis, th...