"Danse Macabre" is set in an imaginary English borough ruled by a powerful and wealthy lord. He believes that his power will allow him to control the lives of key members of his community so they will fit his preconceived ideas of where they belong. (Sound familiar ) What do you think will happen? One member has slipped, or did they all? See this all develop and the amazing conclusion. It's all in fun . or is it?
"The Blue Yonder" is a play about the peace-time Air Force. The interaction among members leads to some hilarious activities which would be incongruous outside the military. A...
"Danse Macabre" is set in an imaginary English borough ruled by a powerful and wealthy lord. He believes that his power will allow him to control the ...
THE BLUE YONDER is a play about the peace time Air Force during the cold war. It covers the hilarious interaction among full time and short time military doctors and their wives trying to survive the nuances of military life while dealing with the mandates of a ruthless leader. Is murder a possibility in this setting? See if you can guess the outcome.
DANSE MACABRE is a murder mystery set in an English borough ruled by a powerful and wealthy Lord. It deals with the power to control the lives of members of a small community so they fit into preconceived roles (sound familiar?).What do...
THE BLUE YONDER is a play about the peace time Air Force during the cold war. It covers the hilarious interaction among full time and short time mi...