This expanded and revised U.S. Navy training course text provides thorough coverage of the basic theory of electricity and its applications. It is unquestionably the best book of its kind for either broad or more limited studies of electrical fundamentals. It is divided into 21 chapters and an extensive section of appendixes. Chapters cover safety, fundamental concepts of electricity, batteries, series direct-current circuits, network analysis of direct-current circuits, electrical conductors and wiring techniques, electromagnetism and magnetic circuits, introduction to...
This expanded and revised U.S. Navy training course text provides thorough coverage of the basic theory of electricity and its applications. It is ...
Naval Ordnance and Gunnery is the most definitive book to emerge from WWII on the subject of naval ordnance and fire control. Encyclopedic in content, the text runs nearly 600 pages and is richly illustrated with photos and diagrams of systems used on destroyers, cruisers, battleships and other warships. Within its pages you'll find detailed descriptions of weapons and ammunition, and discussions on subjects from gun design and construction, to fire control and trajectory analysis. Individual chapters discuss explosives, ammunition, gun assemblies (including barrels, breech assemblies and...
Naval Ordnance and Gunnery is the most definitive book to emerge from WWII on the subject of naval ordnance and fire control. Encyclopedic in content,...