Im Mittelpunkt der fUnf Essays des Bandes steht die Lyrik Petrarcas. Der erste Essay indes ist dem "Secretum" gewidmet, d. h. dem Theologen und dem Philosophen Petrarca. Dies hat programmatischen Charakter: Die hier versammelten Studien versuchen, einen neuen Zugang zum "Canzoniere" zu entwickeln, indem sie die Gedichte in den Kontext der Diskurse ihrer Entstehungszeit einordnen. Aufgrund des SpannungsverhAltnisses zu den geistigen StrOmungen der Epoche ergibt sich gleichwohl der Befund einer zuweilen Uberraschenden ModernitAt und auch AktualitAt des lyrischen OEuvres des Dichters. -...
Im Mittelpunkt der fUnf Essays des Bandes steht die Lyrik Petrarcas. Der erste Essay indes ist dem "Secretum" gewidmet, d. h. dem Theologen und dem Ph...
Joachim Kupper Klaus W. Hempfer Erika Fischer-Lichte
This volume focuses on religion from a trans-cultural and international perspective. Its aim is to open up new perspectives on how religions might coexist peacefully within 21st century societies and simultaneously contribute to global pacification. Can a religion cope peacefully with the existence of other religions, without having to abandon its own claim to truth, and if so, what already inherent, specific characteristics would have to be emphasized? Or is secular culture the path to convince different religions of a shared ideal of peaceful co-existence? These questions are...
This volume focuses on religion from a trans-cultural and international perspective. Its aim is to open up new perspectives on how religions might ...
From the dawn of ancient civilization to modern times, the Mediterranean sea looms in the imagination of the people living on its shores as a space of myth and adventure, of conquest and confrontation, of migration and settlement, of religious ferment and conflict. Since its waters linked the earliest empires and centers of civilization, the Mediterranean generated globalization and multiculturalism. It gave birth to the three great monotheisms--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--religions of the book, of the land and of the sea. Over the centuries, the Mediterranean witnessed the rise and...
From the dawn of ancient civilization to modern times, the Mediterranean sea looms in the imagination of the people living on its shores as a space...
From the dawn of ancient civilization to modern times, the Mediterranean sea looms in the imagination of the people living on its shores as a space of myth and adventure, of conquest and confrontation, of migration and settlement, of religious ferment and conflict. Since its waters linked the earliest empires and centers of civilization, the Mediterranean generated globalization and multiculturalism. It gave birth to the three great monotheisms--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--religions of the book, of the land and of the sea. Over the centuries, the Mediterranean witnessed the rise and...
From the dawn of ancient civilization to modern times, the Mediterranean sea looms in the imagination of the people living on its shores as a space...