Experience the action packed adventures of Chen Sing, a teenage boy from China, who ventures far across the world to help build the transcontinental railway through the rugged Rocky Mountains. Natural disasters, wild animals and unforeseen events together with the seemingly endless mountains of rock are among the obstacles that stand in the way of Chen Sing and his railroad crew as they bravely forge ahead on their quest to complete the railway.
Experience the action packed adventures of Chen Sing, a teenage boy from China, who ventures far across the world to help build the transcontinental r...
Experience the action packed adventures of Chen Sing, a teenage boy from China, who ventures far across the world to help build the transcontinental railway through the rugged Rocky Mountains. Natural disasters, wild animals and unforeseen events together with the seemingly endless mountains of rock are among the obstacles that stand in the way of Chen Sing and his railroad crew as they bravely forge ahead on their quest to complete the railway.
Experience the action packed adventures of Chen Sing, a teenage boy from China, who ventures far across the world to help build the transcontinental r...