The past few years have seen the re-emergence of the Balkans as the "cockpit" of Europe. The break up of Yugoslavia, the regional conflict between ethnic groups, the creation of new states like Slovenia and the transformation of existing ones like Albania, have made the area of prime importance in geopolitical terms once again. Reconstructing the Balkans looks at the complex and rapidly changing human geography of the Balkans and considers the cultural, social and political geographies of the region and its neighbours. It provides both an examination of the history of the Balkans emphasising...
The past few years have seen the re-emergence of the Balkans as the "cockpit" of Europe. The break up of Yugoslavia, the regional conflict between eth...
Land is one of the world's most emotionally resonant resources, and control over it is fundamental to almost all human activity. From the local level to the global, we are often in conflict over the ground beneath our feet. But because human relationships to land are so complex, it can be difficult to think them through in a unified way. This path-breaking book aims to change that by combining insights from multiple disciplines to develop a framework for understanding the geopolitics of land today. Struggles over land, argues Derek Hall, relate to three basic principles: its role as...
Land is one of the world's most emotionally resonant resources, and control over it is fundamental to almost all human activity. From the local level ...
Bienen liefern nicht nur köstlichen Honig, sie sorgen auch für die Befruchtung von Blüten. Sie sind also unverzichtbar für die menschliche Ernährung. Doch wie leben diese faszinierenden Nützlinge und was können wir tun, um ihr Überleben zu sichern? Erfahren Sie alles Wichtige über Honigbienen, Hummeln und Wildbienen - vom Aufbau des Körpers über das soziale Leben des Bienenvolkes bis hin zu Schutzmaßnahmen, wie zum Beispiel dem Bau eines Bienenhotels. Mit 60 Pflanzenporträts werden besonders bienenfreundliche Pflanzen vorgestellt, die auch für den Garten geeignet sind.
Bienen liefern nicht nur köstlichen Honig, sie sorgen auch für die Befruchtung von Blüten. Sie sind also unverzichtbar für die menschliche Ernähr...