Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten ktir- zeren Sehriften zu ver6ffentliehen; ein verbindender Text sollte die ungebrochene Entwieklung seiner Ideen von ihren anfangIiehen Keimen bis zur spateren vollen Entfaltung darlegen. Der Plan kam nieht mehr zur Vollendung; aber die vorliegende Zusammenstellung der flir Kurt Goldstein's Lebenswerk bedeutsamsten Aufsatze mag dessen innere Einheit erhellen. Seine posthum ver6ffentliehte Auto- biographie (s. unten S. 1 ff.) gibt eine knappe Zusammenfassung seiner...
Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten ktir- zeren Sehriften z...
1 The present volume is rich in essential phenomenological descriptions 2 and insightful historico-critical analyses, some of which cannot be fully appreciated, however, except by close examination on the part of the reader. Accordingly, such a task ought to be left to the consideration and judgment of the latter, save where such discussions are directly relevant to the topics I will be dwelling upon. I prefer, then, to approach the matters and questions contained here otherwise, namely, archeologically. In this I 3 follow Jose Huertas-Jourda, the editor of the corresponding French vol- 4...
1 The present volume is rich in essential phenomenological descriptions 2 and insightful historico-critical analyses, some of which cannot be fully ap...
The articles collected in the present volume were written during a period of more than 30 years, the ?rst having been published in 1929, the last in 1961. They are arranged here in a systematic, not a chronological, order, starting from a few articles mainly concerned with psychological m- ters and then passing on to phenomenology in the proper sense. Within the latter group, the sequence is from articles dealing with more g- eral questions of principle to those in which rather special questions are discussed. The articles are reprinted or translated unchanged except for "phenomenology of...
The articles collected in the present volume were written during a period of more than 30 years, the ?rst having been published in 1929, the last in 1...
The French version of this book, Theorie du champ de la conscience (1957), appeared under the auspices of the International Phenomenological Society. This present version appears through the collaboration of the staff of the Duquesne Studies, Psychological Series. In writing this book, I wanted to make it a phenomenological study, not a book about phenomenology. The intention was to advance c- tain phenomenological problems rather than to present a survey of or a report on phenomenology. My point of view is that of the pheno- nologist at work, not of an observer of a methodology from without....
The French version of this book, Theorie du champ de la conscience (1957), appeared under the auspices of the International Phenomenological Society. ...
The French version of this book, Theorie du champ de la conscience (1957), appeared under the auspices of the International Phenomenological Society. This present version appears through the collaboration of the staff of the Duquesne Studies, Psychological Series. In writing this book, I wanted to make it a phenomenological study, not a book about phenomenology. The intention was to advance c- tain phenomenological problems rather than to present a survey of or a report on phenomenology. My point of view is that of the pheno- nologist at work, not of an observer of a methodology from without....
The French version of this book, Theorie du champ de la conscience (1957), appeared under the auspices of the International Phenomenological Society. ...
Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten ktir- zeren Sehriften zu ver6ffentliehen; ein verbindender Text sollte die ungebrochene Entwieklung seiner Ideen von ihren anfangIiehen Keimen bis zur spateren vollen Entfaltung darlegen. Der Plan kam nieht mehr zur Vollendung; aber die vorliegende Zusammenstellung der flir Kurt Goldstein's Lebenswerk bedeutsamsten Aufsatze mag dessen innere Einheit erhellen. Seine posthum ver6ffentliehte Auto- biographie (s. unten S. 1 ff.) gibt eine knappe Zusammenfassung seiner...
Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten ktir- zeren Sehriften z...