Three French comedies focusing on Parisian women and their intricate love lives. MIMI PINSON, by Jean Bayard and Philippe Dumanoir, is a carefree, self-supporting, independent woman. She's a grisette (working girl) who loves as she pleases, doesn't care about money, and is both happy and charming in her simple life. THE TYPE YOU DON'T MARRY, by Edouard Pailleron, tells the tale of the girl Adrienne, who after being a mistress for six years, finally succeeds in marrying her lover. Love triumphs over morality, as the lover gives up a potentially good marriage and his family to remain with the...
Three French comedies focusing on Parisian women and their intricate love lives. MIMI PINSON, by Jean Bayard and Philippe Dumanoir, is a carefree, sel...