The NATO-Advanced Study Institute on "Collision Theory for Atoms and Molecules" was made possible by the main sponsorship and the generous financial support of the NATO Scientific Affairs Division in Brussels. Belgium. Special thanks are therefore due to the late Dr. Mario Di Lullo and to Dr. Craig Sinclair. of this Division. who repeatedly advised us and kept us aware of administrative requirements. The Institute was also assisted by the financial aid from the Scientific Committees for Chemistry and Physics of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The search and selection of a...
The NATO-Advanced Study Institute on "Collision Theory for Atoms and Molecules" was made possible by the main sponsorship and the generous financial s...
Until recently, the field of atomic and molecular collisions was left to a handful of practitioners who essentially explored it as a branch of atomic physics and gathered their experimental re sults mainly from spectroscopy measurements in bulk. But in the past ten years or so, all of this has dramatically changed, and we are now witnessing the rapid growth of a large body of research that encompasses the simplest atoms as well as the largest mole cules, that looks at a wide variety of phenomena well outside purely spectroscopic observation, and that finds applications in an unexpectedly...
Until recently, the field of atomic and molecular collisions was left to a handful of practitioners who essentially explored it as a branch of atomic ...
Until recently, the field of atomic and molecular collisions was left to a handful of practitioners who essentially explored it as a branch of atomic physics and gathered their experimental re sults mainly from spectroscopy measurements in bulk. But in the past ten years or so, all of this has dramatically changed, and we are now witnessing the rapid growth of a large body of research that encompasses the simplest atoms as well as the largest mole cules, that looks at a wide variety of phenomena well outside purely spectroscopic observation, and that finds applications in an unexpectedly...
Until recently, the field of atomic and molecular collisions was left to a handful of practitioners who essentially explored it as a branch of atomic ...
The collision of electrons with molecules and molecular ions is a fundamental pro cess in atomic and molecular physics and in chemistry. At high incident electron en ergies, electron-molecule collisions are used to deduce molecular geometries, oscillator strengths for optically allowed transitions, and in the case of electron-impact ionization, to probe the momentum distribution of the molecule itself. When the incident electron energy is comparable to or below those of the molecular valence electrons, the physics involved is particularly rich. Correlation and exchange effects necessary to...
The collision of electrons with molecules and molecular ions is a fundamental pro cess in atomic and molecular physics and in chemistry. At high incid...
This volume is the outgrowth of a workshop held in October, 2000 at the Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA. The aim of this book (similar in theme to the workshop) is to present an overview of new directions in antimatter physics and chemistry research. The emphasis is on positron and positronium interactions both with themselves and with ordinary matter. The timeliness of this subject comes from several considerations. New concepts for intense positron sources and the development of positron accumulators...
This volume is the outgrowth of a workshop held in October, 2000 at the Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics at the Harvard- Smithso...