Giorgio Giacomelli Maurizio Spurio Jamal Eddine Derkaoui
Non-accelerator particle physicists, especially those studying neutrino oscillation experiments, will read with profit the in-depth discussions of new results and their interpretations. new guidelines are also set out for new developments in this and related fields. Discussions are presented of neutrino oscillations, neutrino astronomy, high energy cosmic rays, gravitational waves, magnetic monopoles and dark matter. The future large-scale research projects discussed include the experiments on long baseline neutrino beams from CERN to Gran Sasso and Fermilab to the Soudan mine; large...
Non-accelerator particle physicists, especially those studying neutrino oscillation experiments, will read with profit the in-depth discussions of new...
Giorgio Giacomelli Maurizio Spurio Jamal Eddine Derkaoui
Non-accelerator particle physicists, especially those studying neutrino oscillation experiments, will read with profit the in-depth discussions of new results and their interpretations. new guidelines are also set out for new developments in this and related fields. Discussions are presented of neutrino oscillations, neutrino astronomy, high energy cosmic rays, gravitational waves, magnetic monopoles and dark matter. The future large-scale research projects discussed include the experiments on long baseline neutrino beams from CERN to Gran Sasso and Fermilab to the Soudan mine; large...
Non-accelerator particle physicists, especially those studying neutrino oscillation experiments, will read with profit the in-depth discussions of n...
The book provides theoretical and phenomenological insights on the structure of matter, presenting concepts and features of elementary particle physics and fundamental aspects of nuclear physics.
Starting with the basics (nomenclature, classification, acceleration techniques, detection of elementary particles), the properties of fundamental interactions (electromagnetic, weak and strong) are introduced with a mathematical formalism suited to undergraduate students. Some experimental results (the discovery of neutral currents and of the W and Z0 bosons; the quark structure observed...
The book provides theoretical and phenomenological insights on the structure of matter, presenting concepts and features of elementary particle phy...
Il libro intende fornire le conoscenze teoriche e fenomenologiche di base della struttura della materia a livello subatomico, presentando in maniera coordinata concetti e caratteristiche della fisica nucleare e della fisica delle particelle. Partendo da un livello di base (nomenclatura, classificazione, tecniche di accelerazione e di rivelazione delle particelle), si passano in rassegna le proprieta delle interazioni fondamentali (elettromagnetica, debole e forte). Vengono descritti poi i risultati che confermano il Modello Standard del microcosmo, per terminare con i problemi ancora aperti....
Il libro intende fornire le conoscenze teoriche e fenomenologiche di base della struttura della materia a livello subatomico, presentando in maniera c...
In the development of Fundamental Physics on one side, and of Astronomy/Cosmology on the other side, periods of parallell, relatively independent progress seem to alternate with others of intense interaction and mutual influence. To this latter case belong the very beginnings of Modern Physics, with Galileo and Newton. There is now a widespread feeling that another of such flourishing periods may have started some ten years ago, with the advent of Unified Theories and the introduction of Inflationary Cosmologies. The interaction between the two disciplines has become tighter ever since,...
In the development of Fundamental Physics on one side, and of Astronomy/Cosmology on the other side, periods of parallell, relatively independent prog...