A unique comprehensive work on the reference male and female, including data on mass of the various organs of the body, chemical composition of the body and various tissues and physiological data. While still the major source of reference data, this report is supplemented and amended by ICRP Publication 89.
A unique comprehensive work on the reference male and female, including data on mass of the various organs of the body, chemical composition of the bo...
This publication presents biokinetic models and best estimates of biokinetic data for some 120 individual radiopharmaceuticals, giving estimated absorbed doses, including the range of variation to be expected in pathological states, for adults, children and the fetus. Absorbed dose estimates are needed in clinical diagnostic work for judging the risk associated with the use of specific radiopharmaceuticals, both for comparison with the possible benefit of the investigation and to help in giving adequate information to the patient. These estimates provide guidance to ethics committees having...
This publication presents biokinetic models and best estimates of biokinetic data for some 120 individual radiopharmaceuticals, giving estimated absor...