The question of how we can communicate better is at the heart of this study. While the exercise of dialogue is as old as civilization itself, in recent times a profusion of practices, techniques and definitions has arisen around the term dialogue. None of these approaches can claim to be the correct view, but it is possible to distinguish between them and to clarify the intention of each. To this end, this edition illuminates the underlying meaning and purpose of the author's work in this field.
The question of how we can communicate better is at the heart of this study. While the exercise of dialogue is as old as civilization itself, in recen...
This volume marks the beginning of a 4000-page correspondence between Charles Biederman, founder of Constructivism in the 1930s, and David Bohm the prestigious physicist known for his interpretation of quantum theory. Available for the first time, we are given a rare opportunity to read through and engage in a transatlantic, intellectual discussion on art and science, creativity and theory.
This volume marks the beginning of a 4000-page correspondence between Charles Biederman, founder of Constructivism in the 1930s, and David Bohm the pr...
Creativity is fundamental to human experience. In On Creativity David Bohm, the world-renowned scientist, investigates the phenomenon from all sides: not only the creativity of invention and of imagination but also that of perception and of discovery. This is a remarkable and life-affirming book by one of the most far-sighted thinkers of modern times.
Creativity is fundamental to human experience. In On Creativity David Bohm, the world-renowned scientist, investigates the phenomenon from al...
There are few scientists of the 20th century whose life's work has created more excitement and controversy than that of physicist David Bohm (1917-1992). Exploring the philosophical implication of both physics and consciousness, Bohm's penchant for questioning scientific and social orthodoxy was the expression of a rare and maverick intelligence. For Bohm, the world of matter and the experience of consciousness were two aspects of a more fundamental process he call the implicate order. Without a working sensibility of what this implicate order might be, our conceptions of the various threads...
There are few scientists of the 20th century whose life's work has created more excitement and controversy than that of physicist David Bohm (1917-199...
In this classic work David Bohm, writing clearly and without technical jargon, develops a theory of quantum physics which treats the totality of existence as an unbroken whole.
In this classic work David Bohm, writing clearly and without technical jargon, develops a theory of quantum physics which treats the totality of exist...
In these inspiring lectures David Bohm explores Albert Einstein's celebrated Theory of Relativity that transformed forever the way we think about time and space. Yet for Bohm the implications of the theory were far more revolutionary both in scope and impact even than this. Stepping back from dense theoretical and scientific detail in this eye-opening work, Bohm describes how the notion of relativity strikes at the heart of our very conception of the universe, regardless of whether we are physicists or philosophers.
In these inspiring lectures David Bohm explores Albert Einstein's celebrated Theory of Relativity that transformed forever the way we thin...