Proceedings of the first WRI International Conference on title] held October 1990, in New York, New York. The Weber Research Institute is the renamed (in 1986) Microwave Research Institute and will follow the MRI tradition of organizing topical meetings with published proceedings. Contributions dis
Proceedings of the first WRI International Conference on title] held October 1990, in New York, New York. The Weber Research Institute is the renamed...
Proceedings of an international conference held October 1992, at the Microwave Research Institute, Brooklyn, New York. The conference topic was chosen because of the steadily increasing importance of time domain techniques and applications, and also because of the general trend toward wider signal b
Proceedings of an international conference held October 1992, at the Microwave Research Institute, Brooklyn, New York. The conference topic was chosen...
Microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) are of increasing im- portance in modern military and commercial wireless communication systems. Current trends are towards low-cost, high-density, multilevel, and multifunctional integration, cover- ingmillimeterand submillimeterwave regions.The integrationofdiverse subfunctions, such as light-wave devices, superconductor circuits, digital circuits and ferrite devices, together with conventional microwave or millimeter-wave devices, circuits and antennas, will allow implementation of large systems on a single chip. Research on...
Microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) are of increasing im- portance in modern military and commercial wireless communication syst...