Traditionally, say 15 years ago, three-dimensional image analysis (aka computer vi- sion) and three-dimensional image synthesis (aka computer graphics) were separate fields. Rarely were expert
Traditionally, say 15 years ago, three-dimensional image analysis (aka computer vi- sion) and three-dimensional image synthesis (aka computer graphics...
In this second edition every chapter of the first edition of Pattern Analysis has been updated and expanded. The general view of a system for pattern analysis and understanding has remained unchanged, but many details have been revised. A short account of light and sound has been added to the introduction, some normalization techniques and a basic introduction to morphological operations have been added to the second chapter. Chapter 3 has been expanded significantly by topics like motion, depth, and shape from shading; additional material has also been added to the already existing sections...
In this second edition every chapter of the first edition of Pattern Analysis has been updated and expanded. The general view of a system for pattern ...
Traditionally, say 15 years ago, three-dimensional image analysis (aka computer vi- sion) and three-dimensional image synthesis (aka computer graphics) were separate fields. Rarely were expert
Traditionally, say 15 years ago, three-dimensional image analysis (aka computer vi- sion) and three-dimensional image synthesis (aka computer graphics...
Der vorliegende Band behandelt Verfahren der Kunstlichen Intelligenz (KI) in der Bild- und Sprachanalyse, also in einem Teilgebiet der Mustererkennung (ME). Die Definition und Abgrenzung von Begriffen wie KI und ME wird in der Literatur nicht einheitl ich gehandhabt; es ist aber wichtig daran zu erinnern, dass beide aus ihrer Fruhzeit gemeinsame Wurzeln haben. Die Fahigkeit zur Erkennung von Mustern, und ganz allgemein zur Wahrnehmung der Umwelt mit geeigneten Sensoren, wurde als wesentl i che Vorau ssetzung fur autonom agi erende "i nte 11 i gente" tech nische Systeme angesehen. Einerseits...
Der vorliegende Band behandelt Verfahren der Kunstlichen Intelligenz (KI) in der Bild- und Sprachanalyse, also in einem Teilgebiet der Mustererkennung...