This book focuses on the interactive effects of environmental stresses with plant and ecosystem functions, especially with respect to changes in the abundance of carbon dioxide. The interaction of stresses with elevated carbon dioxide are presented from the cellular through whole plant ecosystem level. The book carefully considers not only the responses of the above-ground portion of the plant, but also emphasizes the critical role of below-ground (rhizosphere) components (e.g., roots, microbes, soil) in determining the nature and magnitude of these interactions.
* Will rising CO2 alter...
This book focuses on the interactive effects of environmental stresses with plant and ecosystem functions, especially with respect to changes in the a...
The importance of carbon dioxide extends from cellular to global levels of organization and potential ecological deterioration may be the result of increased CO2 in our atmosphere. Recently, the research emphasis shifted from studies of photosynthesis pathways and plant growth to ground-breaking studies of carbon dioxide balances in ecosystems, regions, and even the entire globe.
Carbon Dioxide and Terrestrial Ecosystems addresses these new areas of research. Economically important woody ecosystems are emphasized because they have substantial influence on global carbon...
The importance of carbon dioxide extends from cellular to global levels of organization and potential ecological deterioration may be the result of...
This book examines the differences and similarities in the earth system components - the ocean, atmosphere, and the land - between western portions of the northern and southern Western Hemispheres, past, present, and projected. The book carefully examines the physical and biological patterns and responses of given biomes, or ecological communities in the two regions. Special emphasis is placed on the relationship of physicial and biotic systems to biogeochemistry and the evolving biota patterns of land margins and surfaces. The text concludes with an assessment of the direct impact on humans...
This book examines the differences and similarities in the earth system components - the ocean, atmosphere, and the land - between western portions of...
This book presents a whole-plant perspective on plant integrated responses to multiple stresses, including an analysis of how plants have evolved growth forms and phenological responses to cope with changing stress patterns in natural environments.
Explores stress responses at both the structural and process levels
Outlines structural, phenological, and physiological responses that optimize production under multiple stresses
Combines physiological and evolutionary perspectives
This book presents a whole-plant perspective on plant integrated responses to multiple stresses, including an analysis of how plants have evolved grow...
Invasive alien species are among today's most daunting environmental threats, costing billions of dollars in economic damages and wreaking havoc on ecosystems around the world. In 1997, a consortium of scientific organizations including SCOPE, IUCN, and CABI developed the Global Invasive Species. Programme (GISP) with the explicit objective of providing new tools for understanding and coping with invasive alien species. Invasive Alien Species is the final report of GISP's first phase of operation, 1997-2000, in which authorities from more than thirty countries worked to examine invasions as a...
Invasive alien species are among today's most daunting environmental threats, costing billions of dollars in economic damages and wreaking havoc on ec...
Ernst-Detlef Schulze Harold A. Mooney E. -D Schulze
The biota of the earth is being altered at an unprecedented rate. We are witnessing wholesale exchanges of organisms among geographic areas that were once totally biologically isolated. We are seeing massive changes in landscape use that are creating even more abundant succes sional patches, reductions in population sizes, and in the worst cases, losses of species. There are many reasons for concern about these trends. One is that we unfortunately do not know in detail the conse quences of these massive alterations in terms of how the biosphere as a whole operates or even, for that matter,...
The biota of the earth is being altered at an unprecedented rate. We are witnessing wholesale exchanges of organisms among geographic areas that were ...
The climbing habit in plants has apparently evolved numerous times. Species that climb are well represented in habitats ranging from tropical rain forests through temperate forests to semi-deserts. The Biology of Vines, first published in 1992, is a treatment of what is known about climbing plants, written by a group of experts and covering topics ranging from the biomechanics of twining to silvicultural methods for controlling vine infestations. Also included are detailed accounts of climbing plant evolution, stem anatomy and function, climbing mechanics, carbon and water relations,...
The climbing habit in plants has apparently evolved numerous times. Species that climb are well represented in habitats ranging from tropical rain for...
Stephen H. Bullock Harold A. Mooney Ernesto Medina
Prolonged seasonal drought affects most of the tropics, including vast areas presently or recently dominated by 'dry forests'. These forests have received scant attention, despite the fact that humans have used and changed them more than rain forests. This volume reviews the available information, often making contrasts with wetter forests. The world's dry forest heterogeneity of structure and function is shown regionally. In the neotropics, biogeographic patterns differ from those of wet forests, as does the spectrum of plant life-forms in terms of structure, physiology, phenology and...
Prolonged seasonal drought affects most of the tropics, including vast areas presently or recently dominated by 'dry forests'. These forests have rece...
Our knowledge of the functional characteristics of the plants of mediterranean-cl imate regions has increased greatly in the past decade. In recent times the possibility of large-scale util ization of biomass for energy from these regions has been proposed. In order to assess the feasibil ity of these proposals we must consider the productive structure of these plant communities and how they vary through time and space. This symposium was an attempt to examine our recently acquired basic knowledge of the environmental I imitations on the productivity of Mediterranean plant communities in...
Our knowledge of the functional characteristics of the plants of mediterranean-cl imate regions has increased greatly in the past decade. In recent ti...
The diversity of the earth's climates superimposed upon a complex configuration of physical features has provided the conditions for the evolution of a remarkable array of living things which are linked together into complex ecosystems. The kinds of organisms comprising the ecosystems of the world, and the nature of their interactions, have constantly changed through time due to coevolutionary interactions along with the effects of a continually changing physical environ- ment. In recent evolutionary time there has been a dramatic and ever-accelerating rate of change in the configuration of...
The diversity of the earth's climates superimposed upon a complex configuration of physical features has provided the conditions for the evolution of ...