Designing is one of the most significant of human acts. Surprisingly, given that designing has been occurring for many millenia, our understanding of the processes of designing is remarkably limited. Recently, design methods have been formalised not as humano-centred processes but as processes capable of computer implementation with the goal of augmenting human designers. This volume contains contributions which cover design methods based on evolutionary systems, generative processes, evaluation methods and analysis methods. It presents the state of the art in formal design methods for...
Designing is one of the most significant of human acts. Surprisingly, given that designing has been occurring for many millenia, our understanding of ...
Designing is one of the foundations for change in our society. It is a fundamental precursor to manufacturing, fabrication and construction. Design research aims to develop an understanding of designing and to produce models of designing that can be used to aid designing. The papers in this volume are from the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID'00) held in June 2000, in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. They represent the state of the art and the cutting edge of research and development in this field, and demonstrate both the depth and breadth of the...
Designing is one of the foundations for change in our society. It is a fundamental precursor to manufacturing, fabrication and construction. Design re...
Over the last decade research into design processes utilizing ideas and models drawn from artificial intelligence has resulted in a better understanding of design -- particularly routine design -- as a process. Indeed, most of the current research activity directly or indirectly deals only with routine design. Not surprisingly, many practicing designers state that the level of understanding represented by these models is only of mild interest because they fail to embody any ideas about creativity.
This volume provides a set of chapters in the areas of modeling creativity and...
Over the last decade research into design processes utilizing ideas and models drawn from artificial intelligence has resulted in a better understandi...
One of the foundations for change in our society comes from designing. Its genesis is the notion that the world around us either is unsuited to our needs or can be improved. The need for designing is driven by a society's view that it can improve or add value to human existence well beyond simple subsistence. As a consequence of designing the world which we inhabit is increasingly a designed rather than a naturally occurring one. In that sense it is an "artificial" world. Designing is a fundamental precursor to manufacturing, fabrication, construction or implementation. Design research aims...
One of the foundations for change in our society comes from designing. Its genesis is the notion that the world around us either is unsuited to our ne...
The importance of research and education in design continues to grow. For example, government agencies are gradually increasing funding of design research, and increasing numbers of engineering schools are revising their curricula to emphasize design. This is because of an increasing realization that design is part of the wealth creation of a nation and needs to be better understood and taught. The continuing globalization of industry and trade has required nations to re-examine where their core contributions lie if not in production efficiency. Design is a precursor to manufacturing for phy-...
The importance of research and education in design continues to grow. For example, government agencies are gradually increasing funding of design rese...
CAAD Futures is a biennial conference that aims to promote the advancement of computer-aided architectural design research and teaching. The conferences are organised under the auspices of the CAAD Futures Foundation. The conference series started in 1985 in Delft and has since traveled to major cities in Europe, Asia, and USA.
This volume is the proceedings of the 12th International Conference of CAAD Futures, which took place in Sydney, Australia. The internationally refereed papers in this book present the state of the art in computer-aided architectural design research. The...
CAAD Futures is a biennial conference that aims to promote the advancement of computer-aided architectural design research and teaching. The confer...
Artificial intelligence provides an environmentally rich paradigm within which design research based on computational constructions can be carried out. This has been one of the foundations for the developing field called "design computing."
Recently, there has been a growing interest in what designers do when they design and how they use computational tools. This forms the basis of a newly emergent field called "design cognition" that draws partly on cognitive science.
This new conference series aims to provide a bridge between the two fields of "design computing" and "design...
Artificial intelligence provides an environmentally rich paradigm within which design research based on computational constructions can be carried ...
Design is an important research topic in engineering and architecture, since it is not only a means of change but also one of the keystones of economic competitiveness and the fundamental precursor to manufacturing. However, our understanding of design as a process and our ability to model it are still very limited. The development of computational models founded on the artificial intelligence paradigm has provided an impetus for much of current design research - both computational and cognitive. Notwithstanding their immaturity, noticeable advances have been made both in extending our...
Design is an important research topic in engineering and architecture, since it is not only a means of change but also one of the keystones of economi...
This is the second volume of the new conference series Design Computing and Cognition (DCC), successor to the successful series Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID). The conference theme of design computing and cognition recognizes not only the essential relationship between human cognitive processes as models of computation but also how models of computation inspire conceptual realizations of human cognition.
This is the second volume of the new conference series Design Computing and Cognition (DCC), successor to the successful series Artificial Intellig...