Trots ett stort lyft i aldres levnadsstandard under de senaste decennierna har nagot gatt forlorad. I denna bok berattar fyra forfattare med en sammanlagd alder pa over 250 ar hur aldre kan aterta en nyckelroll i samhallsutvecklingen och samtidigt fa en djupare mening och tillfredstallelse med sitt liv."
Trots ett stort lyft i aldres levnadsstandard under de senaste decennierna har nagot gatt forlorad. I denna bok berattar fyra forfattare med en samman...
Because despite the Thatcher/ Reagan economic revolution, the largest pool of wealth in the world - a global total that is much larger than the world's total pensions savings, and ten times the total of all the sovereign wealth funds on the planet - is still comprised of commercial assets that are held in public ownership.
Because despite the Thatcher/ Reagan economic revolution, the largest pool of wealth in the world - a global total that is much larger than the world'...