One of the most important mathematical achievements of the past several decades has been A. Grothendieck's work on algebraic geometry. In the early 1960s, he and M. Artin introduced etale cohomology in order to extend the methods of sheaf-theoretic cohomology from complex varieties to more general schemes. This work found many applications, not only in algebraic geometry, but also in several different branches of number theory and in the representation theory of finite and p-adic groups. Yet until now, the work has been available only in the original massive and difficult papers. In...
One of the most important mathematical achievements of the past several decades has been A. Grothendieck's work on algebraic geometry. In the early...
This volume collects six related articles. The first is the notes (written by J.S. Milne) of a major part of the seminar "Periodes des Int~grales Abeliennes" given by P. Deligne at I'.B.E.S., 1978-79. The second article was written for this volume (by P. Deligne and J.S. Milne) and is largely based on: N Saavedra Rivano, Categories tannakiennes, Lecture Notes in Math. 265, Springer, Heidelberg 1972. The third article is a slight expansion of part of: J.S. Milne and Kuang-yen Shih, Sh~ura varieties: conjugates and the action of complex conjugation 154 pp. (Unpublished manuscript, October...
This volume collects six related articles. The first is the notes (written by J.S. Milne) of a major part of the seminar "Periodes des Int~grales Abel...