Honey Bees: Estimating the Environmental Impact of Chemicals is an updated account of the different strategies for assessing the ecotoxicity of xenobiotics against these social insects, which play a key role in both ecology and agriculture. In addition to the classical acute laboratory test, semi-field cage tests and full field funnel tests, new tests based mainly on behavioral responses are for the first time clearly described. Information on the direct and indirect effects on honey bees of radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides, semi-volatile organic compounds and genetically modified...
Honey Bees: Estimating the Environmental Impact of Chemicals is an updated account of the different strategies for assessing the ecotoxicity of xenobi...
Based on the lectures given during the Eurocourse on title] held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, June 1991. Reviews the state-of-the-art in multivariate analysis and gives an overview of the various fields of application in ecology, environmental chemistry, toxicology, risk analysis, an
Based on the lectures given during the Eurocourse on title] held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, June 1991. Reviews the state-of-the-art ...