G. Hammerlin G]nther Hdmmerlin Karl-Heinz Hoffmann
"In truth, it is not knowledge, but learning, not possessing, but production, not being there, but travelling there, which provides the greatest pleasure. When I have completely understood something, then I turn away and move on into the dark; indeed, so curious is the insatiable man, that when he has completed one house, rather than living in it peacefully, he starts to build another. " Letter from C. F. Gauss to W. Bolyai on Sept. 2, 1808 This textbook adds a book devoted to applied mathematics to the series "Grundwissen Mathematik. " Our goals, like those of the other books in the series,...
"In truth, it is not knowledge, but learning, not possessing, but production, not being there, but travelling there, which provides the greatest pleas...
Dieser Band Numerische Mathematik hat Prinzipien des numerischen Rechnens, numerische lineare Algebra und Naherungsmethoden in der Analysis zum Inhalt. Der Begriff der Approximation zieht sich als roter Faden durch den gesamten Text. Die Betonung liegt dabei weniger auf der Bereitstellung moglichst vieler Algorithmen als vielmehr auf der Vermittlung mathematischer Uberlegungen, die zur Konstruktion von Verfahren fuhren. Jedoch werden auch der algorithmische Aspekt und entsprechende Effizienzbetrachtungen gebuhrend berucksichtigt. Durch den umfangreichen dargebotenen Stoff ist das...
Dieser Band Numerische Mathematik hat Prinzipien des numerischen Rechnens, numerische lineare Algebra und Naherungsmethoden in der Analysis zum...
The 4th caesarium brought together world known experts reporting the state-of-the-art of Functional Micro-and Nanosystems. Its purpose was to identify and open up new research directions in this rapidly evolving new area and to discuss the potential with respect to applications in automotive, biochemical and information technology. Thin film technologies are an attractive approach to incorporate functional properties into micro- or nano-systems. The continuing development towards smaller structures is driven by the use of higher driving frequencies and thus smaller wavelengths, the growing...
The 4th caesarium brought together world known experts reporting the state-of-the-art of Functional Micro-and Nanosystems. Its purpose was to identify...
Mathematische Modellbildung und numerische Simulation sind neben Experiment und Theoriebildung zur 3. Saule der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung geworden. Das Lehrbuch bietet in kompakter Form die Grundlagen, um in Natur-, Ingenieur- und Lebenswissenschaften mathematische Modelle erarbeiten zu konnen. Fragen zur Dimensionsanalyse, zur asymptotischen Entwicklung und zu Grenzschichten werden behandelt und anhand von Fallbeispielen erlautert. Fur das Verstandnis sind allgemeine Kenntnisse der Analysis und der linearen Algebra erforderlich.
Mathematische Modellbildung und numerische Simulation sind neben Experiment und Theoriebildung zur 3. Saule der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung g...
Differential equations - partial as well as ordinary - are one of the main tools for the modeling of real world application problems. Pursuing the ultimate aim of influencing these systems in a desired way, one is confronted with the task of optimizing discretized models. This volume contains selected papers presented at the International Work shop on "Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems," which took place at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics in Berlin from May 08 until May 12, 2000. The conference was attended by 59 scientists from 10 countries....
Differential equations - partial as well as ordinary - are one of the main tools for the modeling of real world application problems. Pursuing the ult...
Karl-Heinz Hoffmann K. H. Hoffmann Karl-Heinz Hoffmann
The book contains lectures presented during the meeting "1st caesarium" held on the topic "Smart Materials" 1999 in Bonn. Recent results in theory and engineering of smart materials were discussed. Special emphasis was put on thin film technology and its role in sensor and actuator applications. This book will be of particular interest to physicists, engineers and mathematicians working in academia as well as in industry on the field of new materials with special interest in finding intelligent solutions of complex technological problems.
The book contains lectures presented during the meeting "1st caesarium" held on the topic "Smart Materials" 1999 in Bonn. Recent results in theory and...
The 4th caesarium brought together world known experts reporting the state-of-the-art of Functional Micro-and Nanosystems. Its purpose was to identify and open up new research directions in this rapidly evolving new area and to discuss the potential with respect to applications in automotive, biochemical and information technology. Thin film technologies are an attractive approach to incorporate functional properties into micro- or nano-systems. The continuing development towards smaller structures is driven by the use of higher driving frequencies and thus smaller wavelengths, the growing...
The 4th caesarium brought together world known experts reporting the state-of-the-art of Functional Micro-and Nanosystems. Its purpose was to ident...
The purpose of the Conference on Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations was to bring together leading experts in this field and to exchange ideas and information about recent advances in control theory connected with partial differential equations.
The purpose of the Conference on Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations was to bring together leading experts in this field and to exchange...
With this proceedings volume a new series of publications is started which will present the results of interdisciplinary research activities in the fields of materials science, coupling of biological and electronic systems and commu- nication ergonomy. It will contain the contributions of the participants of the caesarium, a conference caesar will organize annually. The 1 st caesarium was held in Bonn on November 17-19, 1999 concentrating on Smart Materials. With the caesarium the recently founded research center caesar (center of advanced european studies and research) creates a forum for...
With this proceedings volume a new series of publications is started which will present the results of interdisciplinary research activities in the fi...
A collection of articles summarizing the state of knowledge in a large portion of modern homotopy theory. This welcome reference for many new results and recent methods is addressed to all mathematicians interested in homotopy theory and in geometric aspects of group theory.
A collection of articles summarizing the state of knowledge in a large portion of modern homotopy theory. This welcome reference for many new resul...