For anyone in need of a concise, introductory guide to principal components analysis, this book is a must. Through an effective use of simple mathematical-geometrical and multiple real-life examples (such as crime statistics, indicators of drug abuse, and educational expenditures) -- and by minimizing the use of matrix algebra -- the reader can quickly master and put this technique to immediate use.
For anyone in need of a concise, introductory guide to principal components analysis, this book is a must. Through an effective use of simple mathe...
The great advantage of time series regression analysis is that it can both explain the past and predict the future behavior of variables. This volume explores the regression (or structural equation) approach to the analysis of time series data. It also introduces the Box-Jenkins time series method in an attempt to bridge partially the gap between the two approaches.
The great advantage of time series regression analysis is that it can both explain the past and predict the future behavior of variables. This volu...
Significance testing - a core technique in statistics for hypothesis testing - is introduced in this volume. Mohr first reviews what is meant by sampling and probability distributions and then examines in-depth normal and t-tests of significance. The uses and misuses of significance testing are also explored.
Significance testing - a core technique in statistics for hypothesis testing - is introduced in this volume. Mohr first reviews what is meant by sa...
This book presents a set of closely-related techniques that facilitate the visual exploration and display of a wide variety of multivariate data, both categorical and continuous. Three methods of metric scaling - correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and multiple dimensional preference scaling - are explored in detail for their strengths and weaknesses over a wide range of data types and research situations. The book focuses upon representing the relations among two or more sets of variables, and upon applications that are exploratory in nature rather than predictive.
This book presents a set of closely-related techniques that facilitate the visual exploration and display of a wide variety of multivariate data, both...
This volume introduces the reader to one of the most fundamental topics in social science statistics: experimental design. The authors clearly show how to select an experimental design based on the number of independent variables and the number of subjects. Other topics addressed include variability, hypothesis testing, how ANOVA can be extended to the multi-group situation, the logic of the "t "test and completely randomized designs.
This volume introduces the reader to one of the most fundamental topics in social science statistics: experimental design. The authors clearly show...
Panel data - information gathered from the same individuals or units at several different points in time - are commonly used in the social sciences to test theories of individual and social change. This book highlights the developments in this technique in a range of disciplines and analytic traditions.
Panel data - information gathered from the same individuals or units at several different points in time - are commonly used in the social sciences...
In this volume the underlying logic and practice of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is made clear by providing a general modeling framework that utilizes the tools of ML methods. This framework offers readers a flexible modeling strategy since it accommodates cases from the simplest linear models to the most complex nonlinear models that link a system of endogenous and exogenous variables with non-normal distributions. Using examples to illustrate the techniques of finding ML estimators and estimates, Eliason discusses: what properties are desirable in an estimator; basic techniques for...
In this volume the underlying logic and practice of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is made clear by providing a general modeling framework that...
By examining some of the basic scaling questions, such as the importance of measurement levels, the kinds of variables needed for Likert or Guttman scales and when to use multidimensional scaling versus factor analysis, Jacoby introduces readers to the most appropriate scaling strategies for different research situations. He also explores data theory, the study of how real world observations can be transformed into something to be analyzed, in order to facilitate more effective use of scaling techniques.
By examining some of the basic scaling questions, such as the importance of measurement levels, the kinds of variables needed for Likert or Guttman sc...
Through the use of careful explanation and examples, Berry demonstrates how to consider whether the assumptions of multiple regression are actually satisfied in a particular research project. Beginning with a brief review of the regression assumptions as they are typically presented in text books, he moves on to explore in detail the "substantive "meaning of each assumption; for example, lack of measurement error, absence of specification error, linearity, homoscedasticity, and lack of auto-correlation.
Through the use of careful explanation and examples, Berry demonstrates how to consider whether the assumptions of multiple regression are actually...
Logit Modeling represents a breakthrough for researchers because it offers ways for more efficient estimation of models with multiple categorical variables, particularly whenever the measurement assumptions for classical multiple regression fail to be met. Taking an applied approach, DeMaris begins by describing the logit model in the context of the general loglinear model, moving its application from two-way to multidimensional tables. He then divides the rest of the book between an examination of the varieties of logit models for contingency tables and logistic regression. Throughout his...
Logit Modeling represents a breakthrough for researchers because it offers ways for more efficient estimation of models with multiple categorical v...