With his usual thoroughness, Prof. Prout discusses the musical capabilities of the various instruments in the symphony orchestra and the problems involved in composing music for them. This classic 1877 treatise from the high-Romantic era examines the capabilities and techniques for each instrument of the orchestra and the ways in which composition for them can be accomplished. This title is cited and recommended by Books for College Libraries. At the time of original publication, Ebenezer Prout, Mus.D., was Professor of Music at the University of Dublin.
With his usual thoroughness, Prof. Prout discusses the musical capabilities of the various instruments in the symphony orchestra and the problems invo...
CONTENTS Introduction Key, or Tonality The General Laws of Part-Writing The Diatonic Triads of the Major Key The Inversions of the Triads of a Major Key The Minor Key: Its Diatonic Triads and Their Inversions The Chord of the Dominant Seventh Key Relationship -- Modulation to Nearly Related Keys -- False Relation Unessential Discords -- Auxiliary Notes, Passing Notes, and Anticipations Unessential Discords -- Suspensions The Chord of the Dominant Ninth The Chord of the Dominant Eleventh The Chord of the Dominant Thirteenth Chromatic Triads -- The Chromatic Scale Chromatic Cords of the Seventh...
CONTENTS Introduction Key, or Tonality The General Laws of Part-Writing The Diatonic Triads of the Major Key The Inversions of the Triads of a Major K...
The second edition of Prout's still indispensable work, profusely illustrated with musical examples woven directly into the text. The study of double counterpoint and of the various forms of imitation is an invaluable and indispensable introduction to the higher branches of composition. This title is cited and recommended by Books for College Libraries. At the time of original publication in 1893, Ebenezer Prout was Professor of Harmony and Composition at the Royal Academy of Music. He is also the author of Harmony: Its Theory and Practice and Counterpoint: Strict and Free.
The second edition of Prout's still indispensable work, profusely illustrated with musical examples woven directly into the text. The study of double ...
Prout's still indispensable work is profusely illustrated with musical examples woven directly into the text. Strict Counterpoint is the preliminary technical work for actual musical composition. At the time of original publication, Ebenezer Prout was Professor of Harmony and Composition at the Royal Academy of Music.
Prout's still indispensable work is profusely illustrated with musical examples woven directly into the text. Strict Counterpoint is the preliminary t...
CONTENTS Introduction Rhythm--Sentences and Phrases The Subdivisions of a Musical Sentence-- Sections and Motives Modulation-- Key-Relationship The Means of Modulation-- Modulation by Means of Triads The Construction of Simple Sentences with Regular Rhythm Irregular and Complex Rhythms The Simple Binary Form The Simple Ternary Form Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909) was Professor of Harmony and Composition at the Royal Academy of Music, and Professor of Music in the University of Dublin. He is also the author of Applied Form, Harmony: Its Theory and Practice and Counterpoint: Strict and Free. He...
CONTENTS Introduction Rhythm--Sentences and Phrases The Subdivisions of a Musical Sentence-- Sections and Motives Modulation-- Key-Relationship The Me...
PREFACE preceding volumes of this series have dealt chiefly with matters of musical theory, though theory and practice are so closely connected that it is impossible to draw a hard and fast line of demarcation between them. The present volume, on the other hand, is almost entirely practical, and points of theory are hardly touched upon. None of the earlier works of the series have involved anything like the amount of labour in their preparation that has been useful for this one. Very little is to be found in English musical literature concerning the subjects which occupy the greater part of...
PREFACE preceding volumes of this series have dealt chiefly with matters of musical theory, though theory and practice are so closely connected that i...
This vintage book contains a comprehensive treatise on the subject of music form, and includes information on sentencing and phrasing, modulation, rhythm, and much more. This detailed yet accessible text will appeal to those with an interest in improving their knowledge of music form, and will be of special interest to students. The chapters of this book include: 'Rhythm Sentences and Phrases', 'The Subdivisions of a Musical Sentence', 'Sections and Motives', 'Modulation Key Relationship', 'The Means of Modulation Modulation by Means of Triads', etcetera. Many antiquarian books such as this...
This vintage book contains a comprehensive treatise on the subject of music form, and includes information on sentencing and phrasing, modulation, rhy...
This account of the life of the missionary John Williams (1796 1839), first published in 1843, celebrates his character and his achievements in evangelizing the South Sea islands. Williams believed that the spread of Christianity, 'civilization', and commerce went hand-in-hand, and his work in and around Tahiti and Rarotonga from the time of his first posting there by the London Missionary Society in 1817 was largely well received. In 1830 he became the first person to introduce Christianity to Samoa and, after returning to England in 1834 to raise money and support for the cause, he returned...
This account of the life of the missionary John Williams (1796 1839), first published in 1843, celebrates his character and his achievements in evange...
The music scholar, composer and editor Ebenezer Prout (1835 1909) is best known for his edition of Handel's Messiah and as the man who put words to the fugue subjects in Bach's Well-tempered Klavier. He taught at the Royal Academy of Music (numbering Henry Wood amongst his pupils) and the reputation he established through his works on music theory gained him the post of Professor of Music at Trinity College, Dublin. This is the sixteenth (1903) edition, of his 1889 treatise on harmony which ran through over twenty editions, such was its popularity. This edition marks a significant change in...
The music scholar, composer and editor Ebenezer Prout (1835 1909) is best known for his edition of Handel's Messiah and as the man who put words to th...