Public opinion had roots in the nineteenth century with the develop ment of industrialization. What is this public? It is the mass of individuals who comprise a society or a nation; this mass in turn is divided into many groups, which have their own interests, prejudices, and beliefs. A govern ment, whether democratic or not, is well aware of the power of public opinion and is anxious to measure and shape it. All three branches of government may direct and educate public thinking, using the instru ments of propaganda. Propaganda is any idea and action designed to influence the views and...
Public opinion had roots in the nineteenth century with the develop ment of industrialization. What is this public? It is the mass of individuals who ...
Public opinion had roots in the nineteenth century with the develop ment of industrialization. What is this public? It is the mass of individuals who comprise a society or a nation; this mass in turn is divided into many groups, which have their own interests, prejudices, and beliefs. A govern ment, whether democratic or not, is well aware of the power of public opinion and is anxious to measure and shape it. All three branches of government may direct and educate public thinking, using the instru ments of propaganda. Propaganda is any idea and action designed to influence the views and...
Public opinion had roots in the nineteenth century with the develop ment of industrialization. What is this public? It is the mass of individuals who ...