Etienne-Emile Baulieu, the discoverer of neurosteroids, and a panel of distinguished scientists and clinical researchers exhaustively and critically review all facets of neurosteroids involved in behavior, stress, memory, depression, anxiety, aging of the brain, and neurodegenerative diseases. These contributors illuminate the role of neurosteroids in brain development and plasticity and detail their neuromodulatory influence on GABAA, ionotropic glutamate receptors, acetylcholine receptors, sigma receptors, and calcium channels. Clearly pointing the way toward novel pharmaceutical agents...
Etienne-Emile Baulieu, the discoverer of neurosteroids, and a panel of distinguished scientists and clinical researchers exhaustively and critically r...
Endocrinology is a field in which enormous advances have been made in the last decade; the rate of discovery of new hormones, hormone-like molecules, receptors, and mechanisms of action is continually advancing. The development of techniques in immunology and molecular biology has led to the possibility of describing in detail the gene structure of many of the compounds involved in hormonal systems. Remarkable homology has been shown between oncogene products and various components of the endocrine network, leading to the asser- tion that deregulation of hormonal function is involved in the...
Endocrinology is a field in which enormous advances have been made in the last decade; the rate of discovery of new hormones, hormone-like molecules, ...
Etienne-Emile Baulieu, the discoverer of neurosteroids, and a panel of distinguished scientists and clinical researchers exhaustively and critically review all facets of neurosteroids involved in behavior, stress, memory, depression, anxiety, aging of the brain, and neurodegenerative diseases. These contributors illuminate the role of neurosteroids in brain development and plasticity and detail their neuromodulatory influence on GABAA, ionotropic glutamate receptors, acetylcholine receptors, sigma receptors, and calcium channels. Clearly pointing the way toward novel pharmaceutical agents...
Etienne-Emile Baulieu, the discoverer of neurosteroids, and a panel of distinguished scientists and clinical researchers exhaustively and critically r...
In der Debatte um RU 486, die "Abtreibungspille," stehen oft weniger medizinische als vielmehr politische oder weltanschauliche Gesichtspunkte im Mittelpunkt. Dies weiss auch Etienne-Emile Baulieu, der den Wirkstoff entdeckt hat. Er weicht der moralischen Diskussion um die Abtreibung nicht aus, doch im Mittelpunkt seines Buches stehen die Etappen der Hormonforschung, die schliesslich zur Entwicklung von RU 486 gefuhrt haben. Leicht nachvollziehbar wird erklart, welchen Einfluss die Hormone auf die Entstehung der Schwangerschaft haben und warum RU 486 zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch fuhrt. Die...
In der Debatte um RU 486, die "Abtreibungspille," stehen oft weniger medizinische als vielmehr politische oder weltanschauliche Gesichtspunkte im Mitt...
Advances in basic biological research have proceeded rapidly in recent years. The fields of molecular genetics and immunology have experienced dramatic breakthroughs, capturing the imagination of both the scientific community and the general public. With less public notice, receptor biology has brought a cascade of new discoveries and insights. The entire science of pharmacology has been virtually rewritten in terms of receptor phenomenology. In particular, the discovery of specific receptors for steroid and protein hormones has been of seminal importance. With this new information, we have...
Advances in basic biological research have proceeded rapidly in recent years. The fields of molecular genetics and immunology have experienced dramati...