"Silence, Exile, and Cunning" is a trilogy of fiction ("Iron Peter," "The Last Lovers on Earth," and "The Closing Argument") by Charles Ortleb, who was one of the most controversial journalists and publishers during the AIDS epidemic. "Iron Peter" is satirical novel about a gorgeous gay man who comes to New York City to try and save the gay community from being destroyed by the lies the government is telling about AIDS. It may be the only novel ever written that dares to tell the inconvenient truth about the politics and science of "AIDS." "The Boston Globe"'s Michael Saunders called it "a...
"Silence, Exile, and Cunning" is a trilogy of fiction ("Iron Peter," "The Last Lovers on Earth," and "The Closing Argument") by Charles Ortleb, who wa...
"If any one in the government had known why Peter was in Manhattan, a law would have been found under which he could have been put on the first train out. But one could still arrive anonymously in the Metropolis and be given the benefit of the doubt. Not that Peter had bad intentions. No, it was just that beneath his pulchritude lay an agenda that none of the city fathers or mothers could have embraced. Peter had come to New York to assassinate the AIDS epidemic."
"Some gay men seemed to think that they were junior members of scientific research teams because they were taking...
"If any one in the government had known why Peter was in Manhattan, a law would have been found under which he could have been put on the first tra...
Poetry written between 1970-2015 by the legendary publisher and editor who pioneered the coverage of the AIDS, HHV-6, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemics. Ortleb has also written fiction and his unique analysis of what he calls "AIDSgate" and "Holocaust II" have made him one of the most important political philosophers of science. He is helping to radically change the way the world looks at science and scientists. And he has brought his poetic gifts to that revolutionary enterprise. His recent books include Truth to Power, Iatrogenocide, The Stonewall Massacre, and Pig: A...
Poetry written between 1970-2015 by the legendary publisher and editor who pioneered the coverage of the AIDS, HHV-6, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epi...