In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how these challenges are met. They acknowledge that their paramount ob- jective is to provide more than an overview of topics but rather to offer selective critical reviews that will serve to advance theory and research in the particular area reviewed. The question of the appropriate audience to be addressed is usually answered by directing material to a potential audience of social scientists, graduate students, and, occasionally, ad- vanced...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how the...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how these challenges are met. They acknowledge that their paramount ob- jective is to provide more than an overview of topics but rather to offer selective critical reviews that will serve to advance theory and research in the particular area reviewed. The question of the appropriate audience to be addressed is usually answered by directing material to a potential audience of social scientists, graduate students, and, occasionally, ad- vanced...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how the...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how these challenges are met. They acknowledge that their paramount ob jective is to provide more than an overview of topics but rather to offer selective critical reviews that will serve to advance theory and research in the particular area reviewed. The question of the appropriate audience to be addressed is usually answered by directing material to a potential audience of social scientists, graduate students, and, occasionally, ad vanced...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how the...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how these challenges are met. They acknowledge that their paramount ob jective is to provide more than an overview of topics but rather to offer selective critical reviews that will serve to advance theory and research in the particular area reviewed. The question of the appropriate audience to be addressed is usually answered by directing material to a potential audience of social scientists, graduate students, and, occasionally, ad vanced...
In the writing of prefaces for works of this sort, most editors report being faced with similar challenges and have much in common in relating how the...
On Revolutions That Never Were "If you want to understand what a science is," the anthropologist Clifford Geertz (1973, p. 5) has written, "you should look in the first instance not at its theories or its findings, and certainly not at what its apologists say about it; you should look at what the practitioners of it do. " If it is not always possible to follow this instruction, it is because the rate of change in scientific work is rapid and the growth of publications reporting on this work is great. It is therefore the task of a handbook, like this Hand book of Political Behavior, to...
On Revolutions That Never Were "If you want to understand what a science is," the anthropologist Clifford Geertz (1973, p. 5) has written, "you should...