Erste umfassende Dokumentation von Nahtoderfahrungen aus aller Welt§§Für den Krebsarzt Dr. Long waren Nahtoderfahrungen zunächst alles andere als unumstritten. Doch immer öfter kam er in Kontakt mit Menschen, die bewusstlos und am Rande des Todes standen und die später von Erlebnissen außerhalb ihres Körpers berichteten. Er überprüfte mögliche gehirnphysiologische oder chemische Erklärungen des Phänomens. Heute ist er überzeugt: Nahtoderfahrungen sind real. Seine Fallgeschichten von Menschen jeden Alters und aus allen Kulturkreisen sind nicht nur spannend und bewegend. Sie...
Erste umfassende Dokumentation von Nahtoderfahrungen aus aller Welt§§Für den Krebsarzt Dr. Long waren Nahtoderfahrungen zunächst alles andere als ...
Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including nonbelievers, God and the Afterlife presents startling evidence that a Supreme Being exists--and there is amazing consistency about what he is like.
In his bestselling book Evidence of the Afterlife, Dr. Jeffrey Long showed us that there is a strong scientific case for life after death. Now, he goes further, revealing evidence that God is real. At the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Dr. Long studied the stories...
Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including no...
Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including nonbelievers, God and the Afterlife presents startling evidence that a Supreme Being exists--and there is amazing consistency about what he is like.
In his bestselling book Evidence of the Afterlife, Dr. Jefferey Long showed us that there is a strong scientific case for life after death. Now, he goes further, revealing evidence that God is real. At the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Dr. Long studied the stories...
Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including no...