It's not hard to understand why options trading continues to grow in popularity, especially among sophisticated investors with large stock portfolios. Options are a cheaper and therefore, inherently less risky way of speculating on the price movements of stocks or other under-lying goods, yet, due to their volatility, they provide more price action per dollar than do stocks. And, when traded in conjunction with stock portfolios, options can significantly enhance an investor's ability to manipulate the risk and return characteristics of their entire investment. Yet, despite these and other...
It's not hard to understand why options trading continues to grow in popularity, especially among sophisticated investors with large stock portfolios....
Born in controversy and raised in university settings, the Lutheran reform movement was embroiled immediately, publicly, and perennially in theological disputes and political battles. While controversies during Martin Luther's lifetime centered on disagreements with Rome and Geneva, present and later differences emerged over interpreting Luther's and Melanchthon's theologies on such issues as governmental interference, liturgical practices, justification's implications for good works and sin, the Lord's supper, and election. It is this defining dis-concord, alternating with attempts at...
Born in controversy and raised in university settings, the Lutheran reform movement was embroiled immediately, publicly, and perennially in theologica...
This book provides a modern and basic introduction to a branch of international law constantly gaining in importance in international life, namely international humanitarian law (IHL), the law of armed conflict. It is constructed in a way that is suitable for self-study. Subject matters are discussed in self-contained chapters, allowing each to be studied independently of the others. Among the subjects discussed are, inter alia: the relationship between jus ad bellum / jus in bello . the historical evolution of IHL . the basic principles and sources of IHL . Martens Clause . international and...
This book provides a modern and basic introduction to a branch of international law constantly gaining in importance in international life, namely int...
Martin Luther's thought continues to challenge people throughout the world in the twenty-first century. His paradigmatic shift in defining God and what it means to be human left behind a foundation for viewing human creatures that was anchored in Aristotle's anthropology. Luther defined the Revealed God in terms of his mercy and love for human beings, based not on their merit and performance but rather on his unconditioned grace. He placed 'fearing, loving, and trusting God above all else' at the heart of his definition of being human. This volume places the development and exposition of...
Martin Luther's thought continues to challenge people throughout the world in the twenty-first century. His paradigmatic shift in defining God and wha...
theologie- und Wissenschaftshistoriker aus Nordamerika, Skandinavien und Deutschland befassen sich in vorliegendem Band mit den reformatorischen Grundlagen der Bibelhermeneutik (Luther, Melanchthon) und deren facettenreichen Wirkungen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Hierbei wird besonderes Augenmerk auf die Vielgestaltigkeit der Auslegungskunst und deren Applikabilitat in theologischen Lehrbuchern, Predigt und Gottesdienst sowie auf das Verhaltnis von Wort und Bild und die Relevanz von Heiligenerzahlstoffen gelegt. Daruber hinaus wird erkundet, welche Bedeutung dem Theorem der Akkommodation im...
theologie- und Wissenschaftshistoriker aus Nordamerika, Skandinavien und Deutschland befassen sich in vorliegendem Band mit den reformatorischen Grund...
In this important new volume, Arand, Kolb, and Nestingen bring the fruit of an entire generation of scholarship to bear on these documents, making it an essential and up-to-date class text. The Lutheran Confessions places the documents solidly within their political, social, ecclesiastical and theological contexts, relating them to the world in which they took place. Though the book is not a theology of the Confessions, readers will clearly understand the issues at stake in the narratives, both in their own time, and in ours.
In this important new volume, Arand, Kolb, and Nestingen bring the fruit of an entire generation of scholarship to bear on these documents, making it ...
Description: Ten percent of all royalties will go to the Soldiers of the Cross Fund to help professional church workers and their families who are experiencing financial hardships. The Bible is not an easy book to understand. In fact, it is not a single book at all, but rather a library of sixty-six books that were written by at least forty different authors on three continents over a period of fifteen hundred years. God's Timeline will show you the foundation, or grand story, that holds all of these books together so that you can read the Bible with greater understanding. Endorsements:...
Description: Ten percent of all royalties will go to the Soldiers of the Cross Fund to help professional church workers and their families who are exp...
As celebrations of the five-hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther's initiation of the most dramatic reform movement in the history of Christianity approach, 47 essays by historians and theologians from 15 countries provide insight into the background and context, the content, and the impact of his way of thought. Nineteenth-century Chinese educational reformers, twentieth-century African and Indian social reformers, German philosophers and Christians of many traditions on every continent have found in Luther's writings stimulation and provocation for addressing modern problems. This volume...
As celebrations of the five-hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther's initiation of the most dramatic reform movement in the history of Christianity ap...
Overcome ERM implementation challenges by taking cues from leading global organizations
Implementing Enterprise Risk Management is a practical guide to establishing an effective ERM system by applying best practices at a granular level. Case studies of leading organizations including Mars, Statoil, LEGO, British Columbia Lottery Corporation, and Astro illustrate the real-world implementation of ERM on a macro level, while also addressing how ERM informs the response to specific incidents. Readers will learn how top companies are effectively constructing ERM systems to...
Overcome ERM implementation challenges by taking cues from leading global organizations